Alabama Babies

Happy Birthday Allison! And Lindsey & Mrs. Watson (a day early) and Tiffany (on fri)!!!

Happy birthday ladies!!!  Hope you both have wonderful birthdays!! 

What a week full of birthdays!  Must add on Mrs.Watson (I'm horrible with names and sorry that I can't remember your first name) and Tiffany = )

And, on a side note, I just have to add that this must be a crazy popular month for people to have babies.  My MIL is the 9th, one of my best friends/old roommates is the 10th, Allison's is today, Lindsey's is tomorrow (along with my sister and another good friend's), another old roommates is the 13th, then my cousin's is the 16th, and I swear there are like 5 more (in addition to the ones I already listed) this month!

Re: Happy Birthday Allison! And Lindsey & Mrs. Watson (a day early) and Tiffany (on fri)!!!

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