Alabama Babies

NBR: Groceries

It has come to my attention that me and Wes are not taking the best approach on groceries.  I'm looking for hints, ideas, and tips on how to maximize our grocery shopping and not spend a fortune or be as wasteful as we have been. 

We make a dinner menu for the week nights but that is about all we do so far.  Other ideas I have had:

1. center my menu around whats on sale

2. when a pantry staple is on sale stock up

3. double some recipes and freeze them (which I am excited I can actually do now that I have a huge freezer in my garage :) )  

What are some things ya'll do?  Any advice would be appreciated...this is part of my money saving goals for the year.  Thanks :)  

Oh and how do ya'll find coupons?  

Re: NBR: Groceries

  • I use
  • For coupons I get a Times Daily on Sunday! They always have tons of coupons. You can find them at a few gas stations in Athens. My mom also saves her coupons for me.

    Don't just buy from one store. Go to several (I know this sounds like a pain). I save $1 a box on dog food at Publix. Walmart is that much more expensive for the same brand. Publix in Athens usually does buy one get one every week or so. They have some great buys too. I also comp things at piggly wiggly in Athens. That saves lots. You'll just need to take the ads with you.

    You'll love your freezer! It's so nice esp. if you find meat on sale somewhere you can buy more or you can go to places like Sam's or Costco and buy bulk. If I buy a 5lb pound of hamburger meat, I can cut it into 5 1lb servings and freeze. You can save a lot that way.

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  • 1. Plan my meals for at least a week and make a grocery list.

    2. when a pantry staple is on sale stock up (definitely)

    3. Stock up on meet and freeze.

    4. Price match with lots sales papers

    5. To make sure I don't forget my coupons, keep them in my purse. 

    6. Before I go, I attach my coupons to my list so that I don't forget to use them. I use to forget to take them out of my envelope and end up not using them or saving money.  

    7. I also shop at different stores if there are things I can't price match like BOGO or fruits and veggies. 

     I get my coupons from the Sunday paper and, and am interested to see where else everyone gets theirs!

  • imageLeelee06:

    1. Plan my meals for at least a week and make a grocery list.

    2. when a pantry staple is on sale stock up (definitely)

    3. Stock up on meet and freeze.

    4. Price match with lots sales papers

    5. To make sure I don't forget my coupons, keep them in my purse. 

    6. Before I go, I attach my coupons to my list so that I don't forget to use them. I use to forget to take them out of my envelope and end up not using them or saving money.  

    7. I also shop at different stores if there are things I can't price match like BOGO or fruits and veggies. 

     I get my coupons from the Sunday paper and, and am interested to see where else everyone gets theirs!

    Great tips! Especially attaching the coupons to the grocery list.  I always forget to pull my coupons out, especially my diaper coupons.

  • Ask if your grocery store will honor other store's coupons (I think Publix does).

    I get coupons by going to different brand websites. Kraft, Betty Crocker, and Pillsbury are some I get in my email.

    We buy a lot of store brand stuff.  We can't tell a difference on most of it.

  • imagelwebster:
    I use

     Me too. Check their site and see if there is a grocery store featured on the site near you. (We use publix.) I like it because they have all the specials that week listed in a checklist, so I can check off which of their sale items I want to buy that week. Then, they also usually have links to printable coupons for the items that are already on sale. (or it will list when a coupon ran in the paper.)

    I end up saving about 40-50 percent on my grocery bill just by using this site, buying what is on sale with coupons and stocking up. I grocery shop at publix.

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  • We try and only buy items that we have a coupon for AND are on sale. 

    Publix accepts other store coupons, but I think it must be a grocery store (not CVS or Target). 

    Publix also accepts double coupons everyday. 

    I find that Winn Dixie and Publix usually have the same exact deals, so we just go to Publix.

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