Alabama Babies

Daycare vent...

DH picked J up today, and called to tell me he had on shorts and a too big t-shirt!  Seriously? It's 28 degrees and feels like 17 outside.  I know it's warm inside, and it's not really the tshirt that upsets me as he has a jacket, but the shorts? 

Apparently he spit up on every other extra outfit.  I'm going to talk to them about burping him, bc the only time he spits up is if he doesn't get a good one. 

I mean, I would have gone home to get him another outfit if only they had called and asked!

Re: Daycare vent...

  • I saw your post on FB about this...ugh I wouldn't be happy at all...especially since the daycare is so close to your work.

    And yeah I think that if he spit up on more than one outfit (I'm guessing it was multiples from your wording) and he doesn't normally do that unless he's not burped properly I'd be having a little talk with them about the necessity for good burping.  


  • imagestar21gazer:

    I saw your post on FB about this...ugh I wouldn't be happy at all...especially since the daycare is so close to your work.

    And yeah I think that if he spit up on more than one outfit (I'm guessing it was multiples from your wording) and he doesn't normally do that unless he's not burped properly I'd be having a little talk with them about the necessity for good burping.  

    Yeah, he's gotten to where he can (and wants to most of the time), hold his bottle himself, so I'm afraid they give it to him and don't burp him since he's older, sitting, etc.  I know sometimes it takes him a while to burp, and he will do it often on his own, but if he went through 3 outfits today, something is not right.

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  • Yeah three is a lot to go through...and maybe I am wrong but it would have had to been a lot of spit up for them to completely change an outfit wouldn't it?  I mean would they change it for a tiny bit of spit up that could be wiped away?  Like sometimes babies just have a bit of dribble spit up and really you can wipe it doesn't really affect the clothes if you catch it you know?
  • Poor baby!  That's a lot. :-(
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