I got Guitar Hero for Christmas. And ever since then, when I listen to the songs on the radio, I listen for the guitar player. And say, oh I can do that!!!
Case in point: Hotel California is on right now. And I am seeing the little buttons pop up in my head for which color to press. I've totally done this song too many times.
Re: I am lame.
red green green...red green green....yellow red green.
I did this with almost every song that I played on GH and then heard on the radio. You are not alone.
we are long lost twins. word.
FAQ: My Friend Just Had a Preemie, How Can I Help?
Totally been there.
Every year my family does a week long ski trip and DH and my brother have marathon GH sessions. Last week we were watching tv and a car comercial came on and had GH music in the background. DH and I looked at each other and both went, "GH!! We can play that!"
LMAO............ ::::spit out coffee::::
SO I guess it is safe to say you are an ADDICT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!