
Anyone use Up&Up formula and general FF question...

I am still BFing but I am tired of pumping and finding more and more occasions to use formula and I can't believe how expensive it is!!

I bought Up&Up from Target to try to save a buck but now I feel guilty cutting corners on baby food (especially since I pay $40/month in WW fees and ate 2 PB&J sandwiches today).

Also, DS is 8 mos-do I still sterillize the bottles?  And do you use filtered water or tap water to mix the formula?

TIA for your help. I feel strange asking these Mommy 101 questions having been a mother for over 3 years!

Re: Anyone use Up&Up formula and general FF question...

  • I used the Up and Up formula for the twins once they hit 4 months old. (It was just Target formula back then). They were preemies and on special high calorie formula for the first 4 months and then were switched to just regular formula with iron. I asked the pedi about the Target formula and he said that a generic brand is just fine as they are FDA approved as well and especially with the cost savings to go for it.

    I wouldn't feel guilty about giving DS the less expensive formula at all. I didn't sterilize Logan's bottles either. The twins used the playtex nursers with the liners so they didn't need to be sterilized but with Logan I used the soothie bottles and I sterilized them the first time I used them and then nightly I would run the bottle through the dishwasher when we ran it and that automatically has a sterilize feature on it that we use for all of our dishes. That was the only extent we went on sterlization though.

    I just used warm tap water to mix the formula with (for Logan- we would make a days worth of bottles at a time for the twins- but I was working part time then and my Grandparents were babysitting for a few hours monday-friday so it was easier to make bottles to bring for them then have them make them). So for Logan I would make his bottles as needed and just mixed the formula with warm tap water. :)

  • When DS was born DH was working, so I thoughtlessly bought GoodStart and was dropping a few hundred a month. When DD was born, DH was out of work, so we bought Kirkland (2 at less than 1 Goodstart). She's done just as well as DS did, and I feel like a fool for having paid so much. There are FDA regulations, so cheap doesn't mean less quality. As for the bottles, we've always used the drop-ins, so  no sterilization. I have a PUR filter on my tap, so I use that, or if I'm out I use bottled water. I give my DS tap water, though. I have no explanation as to why I filter for DD, I just do.
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  • I used Target formula as soon as I stopped bf'ing... formula is so strictly regulated by the FDA, so there is really no difference in quality b/w generic and name brands.  But there is a BIG difference in $$ !     Most people don't know that many generic and brand name formulas are even packaged in the same factory -- one just gets the fancier label !

    I used drop-in liners, so I didn't have to worry about sterilizing.  I did run the nipples through the dishwasher pretty often... you can also get the Medela microwave bags that use steam to sterilize bottles/nipples, etc... Those things are really handy!


  • imageboosma:

        Most people don't know that many generic and brand name formulas are even packaged in the same factory -- one just gets the fancier label !


    Um- I don't think that this is actually true. You can defintely tell a difference in the texture of the name brand formula versus the generic and it always states RIGHT ON THE LABEL that it's not produced from Enfamil, Similac etc.

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