In Nest Land I am apparently uber lazy; we used a night nurse, I am a SAHM but DS goes to a 2 year old program 2 days a week, I get my groceries delivered, and we hired someone to baby proof our house for us. I apparently need an intervention for laziness.
So, how are you lazy? I'll be sitting here eating my bon bons and waiting for responses....
Re: s/o - how are you "lazy"?
I getting out of bed
Otherwise, I do it all myself. I could see being lazy more if I could afford it!
You don't drive, right? I understand the grocery delivery since you don't drive. I'm jealous you had a night nurse. I did not even know they existed, or I would have had one too.
DD goes to a 3 year old program at her school (3 days a week for 3 hours a day). DS will be starting the 2 year old program this year (same 3 days for 3 hours).
Well, in my previously cush life that I no longer live since we moved... I used to have my MIL take Jackson 1-2 days per week. Always 1, sometimes more. And he did a MMO program once per week. Lazy, I suppose, but AWESOME since I spent the time off shopping, getting my hair done or just reading. I miss it.
I cook dinner maybe 1x per week - MH does the rest of the cooking for the most part. If I could hire a chef, I would!
I online shop whenever possible now b/c I hate shopping with Jackson.
Lazy is my middle name.
damn, i need some of your laziness, sounds good! we had a housekeeper that came once a month, but she moved back to Poland.
LOL, you crack me up
I WOH (so I guess that makes me quazi-exempt by nest standards, lol), but we have a cleaning lady, have our groceries delivered often (not always), DD goes to preschool/daycare.
I am also chauffered to work (by public transportation), eat catered lunches (from the cafeteria), and have a servant indicate when I have new e-mail (the 'ding' on my outlook). I lead a posh life, Fancy Nancy would be envious
Kids go to MDO 2x a week
I have a mothers helper 6-9x a month come in for a few hours
I have a cleaning lady 3x a month
MIL comes every 2 months to help out during my busy season and organizes my office
I will be paying for my 4 yr old to go to full time pre k4 instead of the 3 mornings a week for 3 hours he will go 5 days a week 6 hours.
...........I would pay someone a lot of money to grocery shop for me.
I would be alot lazier if i could afford it. I want a house keeper/organizer and I hate to do laundry. The only think I enjoy doing is cooking but I hate to clean up the kitchen afterwards.
I work full time so my dd goes to a sitter AND I am off today and guess what??? She is at the sitters
I used a night nurse we DH traveled. When I was a SAHM, I had a mother's helper that came a couple hours a day. We have a cleaning service that comes once a month for heavy duty cleaning. I make basically nothing from scratch and we eat out at least a couple times per week.
I did EP for awhile, make my own baby food, and was otherwise a rockstar mother of twins. So I think I'm allowed to be lazy sometimes.
That post really helped further illustrate to me how much more healthy my thinking is now than it was when the kids were younger. I used to care about all this laziness BS and try so hard to do it all on my own for reasons I still can't figure out. The more I have opened myself up to delegating and not sweating stuff (that is soooo not important in the long run) the happier I have been. As long as I am a present, caring and responsible parent I think I'm doing just fine.
So I am sure I am lazy in a myriad of ways..but I am happy!
I have a cleaning service, monthly landscaper and just hired a POOL BOY who resembles Tony Hawk.
I'm also currently paying painters, electricians, movers etc. to prepare the new house for moving day.
A POOL BOY? Bow chicka wow wow....
I want a pool boy too boo.. pool first.. then boy.
Um, how am I lazy...let me count the ways! We have a maid that comes once a week...and she does laundry that's leftover from what I haven't gotten done. I do a large portion of my shopping online. MUCH easier that way than lugging two kids along and getting them in and out of the car. We have a yard service because MH works all the damn time and it wouldn't get done on a regular basis if left up to him. I love yardwork and mowing but, again, have two young kids isn't conducive to that particular "hobby" ;-) We order a hellofalot of takeout too! MH is rarely home at dinner time or whatever so, take out it is! If I could hire someone to do my grocery shopping don't think I wouldn't!!! Oh, and although I'm a SAHM my kid goes to MDO twice a week....and has benefited greatly from pfffftttt on anyone who thinks that's abnormal!
ETA: Oh, I forgot our pool boys that come once a week....but they're straight out of Bone Thugs and Harmony.
This is just the tip of the iceberg on how I'm lazy though. I'm a major procrastinator although my intentions are good!
Would it be wrong for me to ask him to go shirtless on cleaning day???
I don't consider myself lazy, but some people might.
I'm a SAHM (for now) and ds goes to pre-school 3 mornings a week (9-12:30). My dad takes him to a library outing every Tuesday morning for an hour or two. We have a lawncare service in the summer. Our neighbor plows our driveway in the winter and even though we have our own carpet cleaning machine, we hire professionals once a year to clean all the carpets. Oh and we use our neighbors dog grooming services for our dog Marley too (neve bathe him ourselves).
DD goes to pre-school three days a week from 8:30-2:30, DS starts Friday one day a week from 9:30-2:30 and I am sooooo excited to have a day off!
We have a yard guy, I was sick of our yard looking like crap and DH spending hours out there on his few days off.
If I could afford it I would have a maid, not talking cleaning lady, talking fulltime maid!
You biotches have it all confused.
*I* am lazy --- since I don't have someone deliver my groceries....and I still don't grocery shop.
Don't have someone cleaning my house -- and I still don't clean it.
Don't have someone coming to my waking children at night -- eh, guess I'm not lazy there.
But yea, you guys aren't lazy. Resourceful and financially sound. Maybe. But lazy --- nah!
Love this!
But it is worth it because you can use your free time to be judgemental of other people's parenting.
I work FT & have a house cleaner that comes 4x/m. We also have a yard service that does basic mowing/trimming 1x/m in the winter & 2x/m in the summer/spring/fall.