So, my BIL and sister were over yesterday,my sister is currently pregnant with their first child. My BIL brought up night nurses and how all his friends say that it's needed... My sister was pretty strong about not wanting one. What are your thoughts? I am pretty against it... Unless you have a ridiculously fussy baby that never sleeps ,I think it's a bit much. My sister will be a SAHM by the way..
Re: Night nurses. Thoughts?
Dumb unless you really need it.
If my infant had colic I would consider a night nurse or if this was my second child and I wasn't nursing maybe.
I might be the odd man out, but I say if you can afford it go for it!
To me there is very little difference between a night nurse for an infant and MDO-Preschool for kids of moms who SAH. A break is a break, and often makes me a better mom.
Personally I would not want one, I like to have control and know what's going on...but like everything, some people may want it and can afford it, go for it.
There were nights where if I didn't get sleep I was going to turn crazy, but DH stepped up to the plate for those nights. I think if I didn't have a supportive DH, or had a DH who traveled a lot or something, I may have considered it...just for a night here or there...but still I don't think I could have slept well with a stranger in my house caring for my baby.
Pointless for me unless there is a medical reason to have someone there.
ETA: I did have lazy as my first response, but realized after reading the responses that it isn't really about laziness. I guess for me, there is no one better than me I would want to take care of DD and it's more of a control thing. Now that I think about it, I hardly let DH do anything when DD was a baby.
We had one and I REALLY resent those PPs who call it lazy. Why? We could afford it, DH works insane hours, got one day off after I had DS, andn was away on business trips. Our night nurse came over the course of a month (not every night) would come at 9:30 PM, take all night wakings, did the baby laundry and cleaned the kitchen for us. At 6:30 AM she would bring DS to me and leave, We got her through a fabulous agency, and she worked as a pediatric nurse - was very qualified.
I thought it was fabulous. I needed the sleep and I got it. We could afford it, why not.
We actually hired a night nurse for the times that DH was travelling on business when the girls were little. It was freaking heaven - I started wishing DH would go away on business more often.
Seriously, though, I don't think it's something that's *needed.* But I don't begrudge those that choose to have them to make their lives a little easier, particularly if it's infrequently.
100% agree with this...
And I don't get why people "hate" on people who can afford luxeries like a night nurse....i mean, no one flames a person for having a house keeper...but doesn't that make them "lazy housekeepers"...they shouldn't have bought a house if they weren't ready to clean it.
I would think it would be a waste if you are nursing.
I guess they would make life a lot easier if you are a formula feeder though so why not.
I've actually seen flames for people who hire cleaning services. We have a cleaning service and we used a night nurse, so we are extra lazy.
I was a sahm also for a long time and I still think it is being lazy. Sorry but I do.
Even if you BF it can be useful because some babies are difficult to put back to sleep.
But I don't think it is lazy at all. It is only in modern society that a father and mother are expected to care for a baby (often without having ever held one) all by themselves. We evolved for communal living, often sharing living spaces with multiple generations with a lot of people pitching in and with first-time parents having helped raised siblings, cousins, etc before having their own children. So the reality is that it isn't natural to have that burden rest exclusively on the shoulders of just 2 people who may have never had meaningful contact with children in their adult lives.
When they were babies DH and I would go out once a month for a couple of hours and my mother or my mother in law would watch them. They don't go to MDO or preschool but I do work now and they go to daycare. I can see if there are med issues with either the mom or baby then you would need one but if you are able to get up then yes I think it is being lazy.
My OB is always giving me, and his other patients, this talk. The way we raise kids these days with only 2 adults in the household is completely different than even a few generations ago. I was going to type it all out but I was too irritated (and you said it more eloquently than I would have, anyway)
I don't think I could ever have one, but all the power to people want one. I loved bonding with DD during the night. She was an awful sleeper for the entire first year (3 months of which I SAH and the rest I was working). Often times I was a zombie at work or just sat and snuggled with her at home, but I wouldn't trade the middle of the night rocking for anything, including a free night nurse.
Those nights end and you can't get them back They grow up way to fast...
I don't think it is lazy either.
I just think for a newborn probably not something I would be comfortable with especially since I had my mother to take of some slack during the day.
I guess for my being a first time mom I was in la la land. Now if someone wanted offer up a night nurse when my kids hit 3 months and they were really difficult and I got no sleep... I would have jumped on it.
I am having a hard time figuring out why this is lazy? Is it lazy when the dad gets up? I am curious do you think it is lazy that my DS will start MDO one day a week starting Friday. I really just don't understand the whole lazy comment.
The lazy argument is totally lame. Is it always "lazy" to outsource things you could do yourself? Cleaning? Cooking (getting take out is LAZY, lazy, I tell you! You are a SAHM, you should be cooking every meal!)? Taking the trash to the dump instead of getting curbside pick up? OF COURSE NOT. Seriously, if you can afford it, and your want it, why NOT?! And I totally agree that in this scenario SAHM vs. WOHM makes NO difference because it's usually in the first few months/weeks and both would be home.
The OP's sister seemed to not want one, and if that is her preference that should be her choice, not her DH's, especially if she is BFing and the one getting up anyway.
The dad getting up with the baby is totally different then paying a night nurse to get up with your baby. The dad is a parent too. Sending your child to MDO is different also I see that as socialization for the child IMO you can't compare the 2. I know I am not the only one in this post that said it was lazy. People will never be able to change my opinion and I will never be able to change theirs.
I know you are not the only one to say it is lazy so if someone else wants to clarify then I am open to it. I just don't get how it is lazy. My DS is getting very little socialization from MDO but I still don't consider it lazy parenting. So how is paying someone else to care for your child at night lazy? You still do all the day to day and main care of the child.
I can't stand when people state an opinion then can't back it up. I don't want to change your mind or really even care, I just want to know WHY it is lazy?