H and I are watching Suze Orman (while the football game is at commercial, I feel the need to disclose). Chick is calling in about her partner's secret credit card. H feels that this is "cheating." He says he would flip out if he found out I had a secret credit card.
I don't think it's cheating, I think if a partner feels like they have to "hide" a credit card/purchases from the other partner, then there are much bigger issues to deal with.
Re: Would you consider this "cheating?"
Um, no. Unless the card is giving more than that "spending pleasure" I don't think so.
It's not "cheating," but it's dishonest and I would lose trust in my spouse. What is he hiding? I thought it was wrong of my XH not to tell me he got a speeding ticket. That's my money, too.
You take my ovaries, I take your yarns.
Not cheating. Maybe more trust. Although I think every woman should have a secret stash of some cash for herself just in case and if plastic works instead...
I think its different if your using it and causing debt.
Not cheating (though my dad did eventually cheat...moving on...) but my dad had at least two credit cards my mom did not know about, so when then eventually divorced they were nearly $50K in debt that my mom did not know about, but that they were both responsible for, and they both had to file bankruptcy... thanks a bunch, dad. =(
Definite trust issues when you can't be honest about money and debt, IMO.