has anyone here heard of "2 dots 2 dashes"? (at least that's what MIL calls it - I Googled but didn't find anything about it.) She told me this "trick"...
While writing the symbols gently on your baby's back, say the following:
2 dots
2 dashes
big question mark
upsies downsies (run finger in a long stroke up their back, then back down)
downsies upsides
squeezies squeezies (squeeze the back of their neck very gently)
cool breeze (gently blow on back of neck)
and the little man is coming to get you (run fingers up back and squeeze shoulders lightly)
Has anyone heard of this before??
Anyway - it sounds totally weird - but Andrew *loves* it. Hiccups? instantly gone. Stressed out from reflux or a burp? He's over it. Overly tired from company and hyper and can't seem to settle down to nap? Out like a light.
I wish I'd known about this 9 months ago.
Re: reflux? hiccups? try this!
My SIL is a lead teacher at a day care and she does this with my boys. I didn't know it was a "technique"
I found it on this blog..this is what she does:
Massage for older kids -
My kids ALL love this - you talk while doing it - your kids will teach it to each other.
"Going on a treasure hunt" - walk your fingers all the way up their back
"X marks the spot" draw a big X ACROSS their back
" 2 lines and a question mark " draw 2 lines DOWN their back and then a question mark right in the middle.
" ants are crawling up your back " walk your fingers quickly up their back - when you get to their shoulders say " they bite, they bite they bite" and SQUEEZE the muscles between their neck and shoulders 3 times ( one for each "they bite")
" spiders are crawling up your back they bite, they bite , they bite" same thing -
then squeeze their shoulders from the outside and say 'tight squeeze'
lift their hair and blow on the back of their neck and say ' cool breeze'
Now you've got the SHIVERIES !!!
LOL Seriously - kids love this and it feels good - you'll want them to do it to you too.
We do basically the same thing, but it's more of a game they love than a relaxation or distraction technique. I will have to try it during a reflux attack.
I've been doing "ants go bite bite bite" all day and Robbie thinks it's the funniest thing he ever heard. Next melt down I'm going to try some combo of the full thing.
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