
Another stolen NYE poll

What do you hope 2010 brings for you and your family?

I just want a new house, another baby and to pass the TN bar exam.

That's not too much, right?  ;)

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Re: Another stolen NYE poll

  • 1. Pregnancy

    2. Upward movement with both my and H's jobs

    3. More shoes, bags, yarn, and fabric than I know what to do with

    Kill all my demons and my angels might die too. -Tennessee Williams

    You take my ovaries, I take your yarns.
  • Ooooo oooo ooo!  I forgot my other two very important wants.

    1 - LV Speedy 35 that I am buying w/ my Christmas money/gift cards... AND


    2. My first pair of Christian Louboutins if I pass the TN bar.  Please baby Jeebus let me study well and learn TN law and pass the bar so my husband has to pay up w/ his shoe bribe.

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  • I'd like the 10% back that I gave up last year at work.

    I'd like my dad to be healthy and his business to pick back up so he can finally retire at 70 and enjoy his grandkids.

    I'd like blinds in my house. It's only been 3 years since we built the darn thing and we still have paper blinds up. don't judge, we've been busy having kids and working on other parts of the house.  Stick out tongue

    Christmas 2009 image
  • Pass.  That.  Bar.


    Kill all my demons and my angels might die too. -Tennessee Williams

    You take my ovaries, I take your yarns.
  • sell our house and move

    maybe another baby

    and Bubbly's #3!  =p

    Nathan 7-13-06 ~ Elizabeth 4-12-09 ~ Zachary 8-5-11
  • I want to get going with my career already. I feel stagnant and I think I have put in enough time at this level.

    I want DH to make more money so I can buy more fancies. :)

    I want my kids to continue to thrive and be happy and grow.

    I hope we are able to go on the multiple vacations we are planning on.

    I want to continue with our efforts to be completely debt free when we buy or build our dream house in 4-5 years.

  • 1) Get to the senior director level at work

    2) Upward career movement for DH as well

    3) Finish a bunch of house projects

    4) The ability to use our free tickets to Hawaii before they expire

    5) Continued good health for my family!

    6) And, to finish potty training Nick. It's been a work in progress for months!

  • Continued health and happiness!  And...I want to lose 15 pounds.  And come into some money, lol.  I want to inherit my trust fund (which does not exist).  :-)

    Good luck to you and I hope you get all three of those things in 2010!

  • 1. MH to get a new job.  I would say his dream job, but any job is a dream job after this one!

    2. A baby.


    Madelyn 3/1/07 image, Lilypie 3rd Birthday Ticker Lilypie Maternity tickers
  • A fantastic 30th birthday party.

    A raise and/or promotion for MH.  He really deserves it and the economy is messing with law firm bonuses so a raise would be extra nice.

    To be able to sell our house in CA without taking a loss.

    To see Garth Brooks in Vegas.

    For my kids to be healthy and happy.

  • I think I would like another baby (and I can't believe I am actually saying that)

    In which case I would like DH to get on board with that idea... :)

    I would like us to get the vacation home we have been talking about for a while.

    I would love for DH to work fewer hours/be happier at his job.

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  • I want to get my body back.  I've been working really hard at Crossfit, and want it to really pay off.

    For my mom to continue to stay home so I have help when I need it!

    For my H to get a promotion and a raise.

    To be happy.  I mean genuinely happy.  For once.

    For my kids to continue growing up happy and healthy.

  • Good health for MH, Jefferson and Kate.  Even though MH has been in remission for almost 4 years, I am constantly worried about his cancer coming back.  

    Good health for my Grandad and Grandma.  I cannot lose them yet.

    A new house.

    A new car.

    More time with friends.



  • For DH's job to move back into our town. He's been OOT at least 4 days/week for over a year now and I'm so over it.

    A baby.

    Tile floors, but that'll probably be the following year.

    My family to stay healthy.

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  • 1. Continued blessings and good health for all! 

    2.  New drapes, more furniture to fill in some spaces, new art to fill some spaces.

    3.  A few vacations!!

    4.  To be double dipped in ambition and OCD like tendencies where organization and personal time management is concerned.

    And make sure you go up a size on those C Louboutins...they run small.  I'm a 5.5-6 wearing size 7s.  Huh?

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
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