So I used some Christmas money today to go and get a massage (yay I totally needed it my shoulder/neck has been sore since I delivered) and MIL came over to watch Audrey. I left her a note about how we just introduced bottle this week and tryed a "soothie" bottle and today I wanted to try "dr. browns" and BM was in the fridge.
Well, I call after massage to check on her and see if I could stop some place else and she said oh she's doing great I gave her a bottle. Not sure about the bottle though because it leaked all over her. Well once I get home I realize she did not put the valve part back into the bottle after pouring the BM in. He He silly Grandmas guess I should have had the bottle all the way ready for her and explained better. Just made me giggle.Glad they had fun together though.
Re: funny MIL babysitting story