Parenting after a Loss

Joining you all, my January baby was born in November...

Hi Everyone!

 I finally feel as if I have the time to write a post over here and join you.  I delivered my little girl on November 16, 2009 at 32w3d (8 weeks early, edd was January 8) due to sudden onset of pre-eclampsia, and what turned out to be partial abruption (found out after delivery).  I have a ridiculously long birth story that I can post if anyone is actually interested in my crazy story. 

LO was in the nicu for 3 weeks, she needed to eat and grow, had no other issues whatsoever as I was able to get both steroid shots for her lungs before she was born.  She has now been home for 3 weeks and is doing fabulously!  I hope to be able to be on the boards more now, but dealing with a preemie has taken up a ton of my time.  Just felt like I should reintroduce myself after being absent from the PgAL (SAL) board for awhile. 

Happy Holidays everyone!



EDD: 01/08/10, Born 8 weeks early on 11/16/09 at 32w3d due to pre-eclampsia and partial abruption
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