I just sent off a few emails to some child care ads on Craigslist. I am only going to need the person 1 day a week but have never needed childcare for the boys before. If you have found someone off craigslist or have used anyone with a in home daycare or as a nanny what questions did you ask them and how did you make sure they weren't crazy?
Thanks for your help!!
Re: If you have found childcare off of Craigslist
The in-home childcare I found off of craigslist is wonderful - I've used her for more than 2 years.
She should give you references and also, if she's licensed (I wouldn't go to an unlicensed one), you can check her license number online for complaints and such.
I remember asking about security (how she made sure someone random wasn't picking up my kid), about a schedule, if they do any learning or if it's all play, how much tv, what she provides (as far as food, diapers, etc), if she took them anywhere (I signed a permission form so that she could drive them places like the library and the mall storytimes - which still kind of makes me anxious, but I trust her enough now), ask to see where they nap, how she disciplines. Oh - and if you need it - if she'll help potty-train, ditch a binky, whatever...
Good luck!
StepMom to P, Mama to R and E.
SAHM and weekend NICU nurse
I found a nanny off of CL. It's a long story as to why I needed a Nanny, but I put out put out the ad, received like 25 replies (some awful), narrowed it down to the few I liked, interviewed them, selected one, and did a background check.
It worked out beautifully for us (it was a summer gig) and I have no regrets. The girl was awesome, and we may use her again this summer.