also posted this on SAIF...
whew! The doc emphasized that I did the right thing by going in, and that I should call them anytime day or night if I'm ever unsure.
cervix is still long and closed, only had a few random contractions while there, and we got to see the babies real quick on the u/s. Baby B was kicking Baby C in the head!
I'm supposed to continue taking it easy, drink tons of water, etc. I have a regular OB and u/s appt tomorrow morning so we'll have a double check that everything is ok.
thanks for your support - y'all are very sweet!
Re: XP: good report from L&D
Good, I'm so happy to hear you and the babies are doing well!!! You definitely did the right thing going in and now you can relax the rest of the day and not have to worry.
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