Birth Stories

Stream of consciousness birth story and link to pic

So Monday morning I go to the doctor.  Cervix is almost totally closed and thick.  My Ob jokes that she will see me in the office next week and not in the hospital... 

It's 2:40am. Water broke about an hour ago. Headed to the hospital after some last minute cleaning. Doctor says there's no need to rush. Besides,  I couldn't imagine going to the hospital without putting away the dishes or throwing my newly soaked sheets in the washer. I even made DH vacuum.  No real contractions yet, just a new level of pressure. I guess it's gonna be vitamin p for me...
3:22 am and we are at IHOP. No way I was going to labor without eating first!  No being hungry is my rule no 1. Chocolate chip pancakes and hash browns are my friend.
Got to the hospital a little after 4. Spent a lot of time checking in and getting checked. Water broke for sure, but cervix is being stubborn!
I got to a labor room (but not one of the big fancy ones- since they were out) and got my pictocin around 6. Asked sweetly and got some cranberry juice- yum- already so thirsty. By 7 I was up to 6miliunits per minute and contrax strong enough that I couldn't sleep through every 2-3 min. This may be a long day!  What amazes me is how every contrax brings a new gush of amniotic fluid.  Just how much of this stuff do I have that I have been leaking for 6 hours :)
It's nearly 10 now, and I have made no progress. I am not even to 1 cm yet. They are steady turning up the pictocin. Got my trusty rice sock to soothe my back, but I am already getting hungry and cranky and it's too early for that!  Gonna get up an walk soon to see if we can get this party started
From 10:30 til 1 was like torture. I know I have a low pain tolerance, but that was ridiculous!  I tried the birthing ball, rocking chair, walking the halls, squating, and moaning like a banshee. All to no avail- I was still so hurt I burst into tears anytime someone asked how I was :(  I could deal with one contraction at a time, but knowing the next one was just 2 minutes away was too much.
At around 1:10 my lovely nurse suggested I get my epidural- since I am already on pit, it shouldn't slow things down. It is now 1:45 and I am relaxed and ready to go the distance. I am now 3cm and 100% effaced. It's amazing what a little relaxation can do!  Epidural was fine- lot of strange sensations, little pressure but so worthwhile.
So after being warned that this baby might be born tomorrow, imagine my surprise at 3:30 when the nurse checks me and says I am completely dialated!!!  I had started feeling my contractions through the epidural, so I knew something was up, but this was hours before I expected. I started
shaking with disbelief and excitement
Half an hour later, the room is ready and I am pushing. The key, I find is a nice deep breath. Otherwise you got nothing by the third or fourth push per contraction. I push for less than 30 minutes and the baby is crowning!  They call for the doctor, but she is two floors away. They tell me to close my legs to try to stall the baby and I say "no way!". The baby slips out on the next contraction without pushing and is caught by the nurse. My lovely Cadence is 6lbs 14 oz and born at 4:35.  They put her on my chest and I am overwhelmed with love and wonder- not noticing my second degree tear :) e brought her home just in time of Christmas

As a postscript, those of you looking to go into labor might try making a deal with God :)  After my doc appointment, I agreed with Him that if I had the baby before the new year, I would give half the tax difference to our church- and the rest is history!

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