Parenting after a Loss

Those of you that had a c/s...

How long did you bleed for?  My incision is fine and not the issue at all.  I rarely leave anything on my pad unless I've been pretty active, but I continue to have a fair amount of blood when I go to the bathroom.  It's not tons, but it requires several wipes to take care of.  Any input would be greatly appreciated!

Re: Those of you that had a c/s...

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    Hey there. I'm a couple days behind you, but my experience sounds pretty much the same. My OB said yesterday that it can take 4-6 weeks to totally stop, but it won't be heavy the whole time.

    I usually have a small amount on the pad, but never have to go through several pads per day or anything, but it still seems like a lot when I wipe. I've been trying to remember to use the water bottle they gave me in the hosp. to spray down there before/while I pee and then it's pretty clean before I start wasting 100 sheets of TP!

    Isn't it annoying after so many months without AF??

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    Mine lasted on and off for about 7 weeks.  I would go a couple days with nothing and then brown for a little bit.  I was told this was normal!!
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    I am having the same issues still. I'm hoping to stop bleeding any day now!!!
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    I really can't remember for sure, but my guess is around 2 weeks.
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    Thanks girls, I just wanted to make sure I was "normal" : )
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    Hey Beck! Hope you're feeling good. I bled about 3 weeks.
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    I have this SAME problem! Its like clotty and nasty! Thanks for posting this Becky!
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    I am 3 weeks post and its just turning brown (TMI I know!) but like you I wasn't leaving much on a pad but I passed when I went to the loo. 

    Does that help? 

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