So earlier this week I posted that several people have asked me if I am still working (at 25 weeks). Keep in mind I run around in a suit and high heels all day, so it's clear I am not on bedrest. Today, one of my clients said to me "You are so skinny, you must not be eating!" like assuming I am starving myself or something b/c I am still really small everywhere other than my stomach. I have gained 17 lbs for goodness sakes (granted all in my belly and boobs). I was offended b/c I eat all the time! Anyway, I guess its better than someone calling me a fata**, but I still don't like weight comments period. Rude rude rude.... Pregnancy sure brings out 'insert f'oot in mouth' questions in people.
Chemical Pregnancy 5.2011. BFP 9.2011 MC @ 8.5w D&C 11.4.2011 sweet pea is always in our hearts.
BFP 3.23.2012! Our baby turkey is due 11.22.2012!
Re: Yet another rude/stupid comment!
did you advise them they you're pregnant?!
btw - I love the name you've picked!
Yes, she knows I am 6 months pregnant, and my belly is huge! She was being a catty bee-yatch.
It's like, once you're pregnant, your body is public property and open to discussion and touching. How rude!
You should have a sign that says, "just because my personal space has expanded doesn't mean you're allowed in it. Back off!"
This is why I'm still waiting to tell my office!!
Where did you find maternity suits? I also where a suit to work every day and these high waist pants are freakin' killing me! I can wear my be band with my black pants but that's about it. Thanks!
The brand Olian has great suits! A bit expensive, but I just bought one in black. Mine has a built in belly band, and it's great-so comfy! Check your local maternity boutiques or look online. I got mine for 40% off during a sale!
Nice. Yep, I think weight comments toward women in any form are off limits and rude. Especially to a pregnant woman w/raging hormones. People just need to bite their tounge:(
Next time this happens, just laugh in the person's face. Seriously. They have it coming.
But why get so offended? Some random person is an idiot. It says nothing about you.
While I do agree that people should altogether not comment on women's bodies-- pregnant or not-- I think this is an AW post in disguise.