2nd Trimester

travel to Denver??

Has anyone gone to Denver around 6-6 1/2 months??  I will be going from Phila. and my husband is concerned about the altitude.   I will not be going to ski, just sit back and relax and enjoy the scenery.  (My sister-in-law is out on business so I am going to spend the weekend with her.)  Any thoughts??  FWIW, I did call the dr. office, but I don't have my appt for another two weeks and I have to book in the next day or two.

Re: travel to Denver??

  • You'll be fine, just drink lots of water, and stay hydrated.


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  • I just traveled to Denver and Winter Park (even higher elevation) 2 weeks ago.  Although I obviously wasn't 6 months along, I think you'll be fine.  I even went on a relatively strenuous hike without any issues.
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  • I just got back from Denver (work trip) and had the worst headache of my life. I drank a ton of water and took tylenol but I had a headache the first 24 hours that was horrible. I think it was the altitude, or the very dry air that i'm not used to. It did go away though, FWIW.
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  • I agree, drink tons of water and if you get tired, rest.   I just came back from my parents house at 9800 feet and was fine.
  • Don't sweat it.  Stay hydrated.  Listen to your body.

    imageimage Ashley Sawtelle Photography
  • I just got back from Denver and felt completely fine (even though I am not 6 months).  The only thing I noticed was I got more winded when we were walking around but I think that's because I live in a place that's below sea level.


  • I am sure you will be fine.  Denver is awesome, but I am bias cause I live in Denver!  Hope you enjoy your trip!
  • imageFutureMECC:
    I am sure you will be fine.  Denver is awesome, but I am bias cause I live in Denver!  Hope you enjoy your trip!

    This!  Just be sure to stay hydrated, and yes it is very dry here so be prepared for that.  If you are traveling to the mountains at all just remember to take it easy.  If you aren't used to it you can get tired pretty quickly, but nothing a pregnant woman wouldn't be able to handle.

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  • I am actually going to be in Denver at 6 1/2 months as well so I'm glad you asked this!  I talked to my midwife and doctor and they both said I will be completely fine to travel to the higher altitude.  I'm also thinking about meeting DH at a ski resort (he'll be snowboarding) to have lunch one day, and was told I would be fine.  Enjoy your trip!
  • imageslc2b:

    I am sure you will be fine.  Denver is awesome, but I am bias cause I live in Denver!  Hope you enjoy your trip!

    This!  Just be sure to stay hydrated, and yes it is very dry here so be prepared for that.  If you are traveling to the mountains at all just remember to take it easy.  If you aren't used to it you can get tired pretty quickly, but nothing a pregnant woman wouldn't be able to handle.

    Agreed! You'll be fine though!  Like all PP's said, LOTS of water!!

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