I'm jealous... DH and I aren't doing Christmas presents this year to save a little money, otherwise I would have asked for a spa day of sorts. Also, my mom never asked what I wanted for Christmas but last weekend she called asking DH's sizes. So I tried not to be miffed but instead be thankful that she knows what I like... We'll see.
But like PP, If there was a "like" button I would definitely hit for you.
Re: Merry Christmas To Me!!
Carter Robert 7.18.08 | Brynn Sophia 5.24.10 | Reid Joseph 9.10.12 | Emerson Mae 1.27.14

Steph! see if your local spa offers them! My bff is an RMT and highly suggests them about once a month. This will be my first one.
ans Mrs. Jenni - you're so funny!
I'm jealous... DH and I aren't doing Christmas presents this year to save a little money, otherwise I would have asked for a spa day of sorts. Also, my mom never asked what I wanted for Christmas but last weekend she called asking DH's sizes. So I tried not to be miffed but instead be thankful that she knows what I like... We'll see.
But like PP, If there was a "like" button I would definitely hit for you.
<------ Totally jealous!
I told DH that once I start getting bigger that I wanna get a few.