2nd Trimester

anyone else really moody?

I noticed this a little during my first pregnancy, but with this one it's even more so. I'm cry about once a week over stupid things like TV commercials (not like me) and get pretty ticked over little things (today I was blocked in at the gas station and got pretty huffy about that). Things that would not normally bother me are really affecting me. Stupid hormones!

Re: anyone else really moody?

  • Um, yes. My poor husband has just learned to live with it and not take it personally. :)
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  • Me me me!  I actually started crying when my class lost the door decorating contest.  Oy!
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  • I have been pretty moody....especially the last couple of days.  Seems like every little thing is getting on my nerves!!!
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  •  I cry everyday at something I see on tv! Also, I have less tolerance for rude people, I used to kill with them kindness and let it roll off my shoulders but now I just act bitchy or rude back to them.

  • Uh yes. Little things drive me nuts. I cry at least once a week over something so stupid. Last weekend I cried because DH wouldn't commit to a baby name. I almost killed someone at work, when normally it probably wouldn't have bothered me as much. I can't let anything go, I'm turning into a crazy person!
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  • Yeah, I have no tolerance for stupidity. Of course, my definition of stupidity is a lot broader now that I am pregnant, and more people fall into it.
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  • ::raises hand:: I cry almost everyday, yell obscenities when "my" parking spot is taken, am really touchy with my DH and sister and the list goes on....

  • OH yeah...If I'm not crying I'm furious! I feel so sorry for my DH!
  • imagesjame1:
    OH yeah...If I'm not crying I'm furious! I feel so sorry for my DH!


    This exactly!! I feel like a crazy woman some days going from one emotional extreme to the next but I can't help myself. 

  • EVERYTHING gets on my nerves lately! I feel like I could strangle some people and I am not normally like that! I feel like I am PMSing constantly!
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