2nd Trimester

NBR: How'd you come up with your screen name?

I just see some really interesting ones on here and can't help be wonder how you guys came up with them.  Mine's not too creative. It's my first name, middle initial, and the apartment number of our first place together right after when got married and lived in Orlando for a while.
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Re: NBR: How'd you come up with your screen name?

  • Mine is the month of my wedding and birthday, nickname of my dog that passed away and the year of my wedding.
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  • my name is Jennifer. Jenni for short

    my last name starts with CAP, when I was engaged I decided I could take HALF of DH's name since we were engaged.

    violia jennicap was born

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  • Mine is back from my days on the knot.
    Lilypie Second Birthday tickers
  • imageJennicap:

    my name is Jennifer. Jenni for short

    my last name starts with CAP, when I was engaged I decided I could take HALF of DH's name since we were engaged.

    violia jennicap was born

    Cute! Smile

    Lilypie Second Birthday tickers Lilypie Maternity tickers ***This space reserved for photo of new squish***
  • Mine's not interesting either.  First name & favorite #.

  • Mine is a band I really like.  One of my favorite songs is Incense & Peppermints.


    Lilypie Second Birthday tickers Lilypie Maternity tickers ***This space reserved for photo of new squish***
  • Mine is out of laziness.  On the Knot (back in 2005-2006, ahh) I was "jenniandbobby" but everyone just called me "jenni"... so after our wedding, I changed it to "mrs.jenni"

    Very creative, I know. 


    Carter Robert 7.18.08 | Brynn Sophia 5.24.10 | Reid Joseph 9.10.12 | Emerson Mae 1.27.14

  • imageStrawberryAlarmClock:

    Mine is a band I really like.  One of my favorite songs is Incense & Peppermints.



    I love that song!!

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  • Wildcat from our college mascot, princess because I was obsessed with Disney princesses growing up and it became a nickname that stuck within my family.  Oddly enough there has been at least one person at every job I've had who has called me princess....I'm hoping still because of my love of princesses!  I don't mind it at my job now because the chemisty super is known as the Queen so I take Princess as a compliment (especially since she keeps asking if I want her job!)
    Lilypie Third Birthday tickers
    Lilypie First Birthday tickers

  • My first marriage sucked and only lasted a year (ex-H cheated).  After my divorce, I met my DH and I felt like God had given me another chance at true love, another chance at marriage and a family.  The sn just felt right!
  • Mopsie was my childhood nickname because of my hair.  My uncle started calling me "MopHead" and that was shortened to "Mopsie" when I was about 5 and the nickname has stuck for over 20 years (even though I've since discovered the flat iron and never looked back!)  

    Me at age 8:


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  • I always strive for perfection in whatever I do, and my sorority mascot is a cat.

    ~Hence the name "Purr-Fection"

  • Mine is kinda simple. I'm a Mom, my first name is Erica so thats where I got Mom_E. 22 is DS birthday and 4 was the month of my original EDD for DC#2. So I'm Mom_E224!
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    Erica & Justin
    Parents of Ethan-4 Spencer-1 Peyton-3months
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  • Well my name is Leslie and my family is huge on nicknames and they never found a good one for me. 

    One random day my mom called me Les-a-lie-a.  Just adding the 'a' after each syllable of my name.  Then my mom decided that she liked lesalia as my name better than Leslie, so it has stuck. Typicially I add my favorite number after it '17', which I had on the knot, but when I joined the bump, i couldn't get into my old knot account.  So I made a new one and added my birth month (feb) to make 217. 

  • i'm obsessed with gwen stefani and her clothing line l.a.m.b. she had a print named lambi cami which was lambs in camoflauge, my name is sam, so lambi sami was born!
  • We've been trying to conceive for a while and I just found the bump and I used WonderWoman cause I was wondering when/if a LO was ever going to come into our lives.  
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  • me= ashley dh= steve

    ashley+steve= ashleve

  • Krista is my name and 5 is my lucky number. Krista5 and Krista55 were taken.  Also, it's in caps because I always leave caps lock on when I fill out profiles n stuff... just out of laziness.  I didn't think about the fact that I am now SCREAMING, "my name is KRISTA!!!!!!"  ;)
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  • name+initials of last names+wedding date= ali_blnov05. It dates from my days on the Knot.

    There are no blurred lines, only jail time

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    my blog: Inspirationseeker.blogspot.com
  • Mine's the same one I used as an AIM sn in high school.  Flower (from Bambi) is one of my favorite characters.  I dropped the "E" because AOL made me.  April 24th was the day I started dating a guy from way back when I created this name and my birthday is December 6th (4246).  I just never saw fit to change it, despite the date connotations.  Our break-up was amiable and we're still friends, so it's never been a big deal to me. 
    Piper, 4/10/10
    Connor, 3/16/15
    Morgan, EDD 9/22/16

  • imagemrs.jenni:

    Mine is out of laziness.  On the Knot (back in 2005-2006, ahh) I was "jenniandbobby" but everyone just called me "jenni"... so after our wedding, I changed it to "mrs.jenni"

    Very creative, I know. 

    How did you change it? I didn't think you could change your screen name and I've wanted to for the longest time.

    Mine is also left over from the Knot, and when I was signing up for it I didn't realize that what I was putting in would be my screen name for all time. I definitely would have come up with something else!

    imageBaby Birthday Ticker Ticker Lilypie First Birthday tickers
  • I have no idea how I got my SN. It's really awful though. I cringe every time I see it.

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  • kat are my initials and 1012 is my birthday
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