Cool! It seems blogs are on the brain lately. I started one too, but I haven't brought myself to write it yet until I've found a cute template for Wordpress.
Google "cutest blog on the block" they have some really cute temlates and i think you can use them for wordrpess.
Ryleigh Kate
Due May 23, 2010, Born June 2, 2010 - 9lbs 1oz 21 3/4inches
Induced due to being overdue, labored 36 hours start to finish
Coraline Marie
Due February 23, 2012 Born March 1,2010 8lbs 10oz 21.5 inches
Induced due to being overdue, worried about size of baby due to big sister being a monster. Born via emergency c-section after having heart decels down into the 60's.
Our Blog
Re: I finally started a Blog!