2nd Trimester

Ooh Strange Feeling. Feeling a bit off..

While I was at the dentist Monday, I got really light headed, thirsty, and nauseous. I figured I was just getting dehydrated and maybe laying too flat.

I just started getting the same feeling again. The strange thing is, I've been downing water all day! 

I sure hope I'm not getting sick again. I would not be a jolly rodger if that were the case!!!

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Re: Ooh Strange Feeling. Feeling a bit off..

  • Personally, I would call the doctor. That could be potentially low/high blood pressure which isn't something you'd want to mess with. At least if you call them they will tell you what to do. It could be that you're getting sick, but it could also be something else. I would go for safety.

  • This happened to me last pregnancy a lot in 2nd tri.  As long as I ate every couple of hours, I was good.  If I started feeling *off* (and I got better at noticing earlier) I would eat something with a bit of sugar in it (juice or whatever).  I did get admitted to L&D once because it happened while I was getting checked out for spotting, but I sat in the hospital bed all day, got an ultrasound and baby was fine, ect. 
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  • I have the same problem and food always seem to help. I'm never hungry so I make sure to watch the clock and eat something, even just peanut butter crackers, every three hours. Also, keep some hard candy in your purse, sometimes just a small sugar boost can fix the problem.

    It just sucks once the light-headedness sets in because I get naseous then too and really don't feel like eating. That's why I try to stay ahead of the game.

  • The thing is, I just ate less than a hour ago! Same with the last time (at the dentist).

    I'm contimplating calling my doc. I hate calling over "little things" like this...but it seems that the things we all think are little tend to actually be big! 

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  • I would call just to be safe... and then you won't have to worry if they tell you everything is okay.  Good luck!
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  • imageemily0829:

    Personally, I would call the doctor. That could be potentially low/high blood pressure which isn't something you'd want to mess with. At least if you call them they will tell you what to do. It could be that you're getting sick, but it could also be something else. I would go for safety.

    This.  Or you could be having low blood sugar and need to eat something.  Even if you don't feel hungry, eat something anyway.  Eat a candy bar or something with a good amount of sugar in it, or something high in protein.  The protein will help steady your sugars.

  • the other day i was feeling like that at work so i checked my BP, it was SUPER low for me (usually mine runs 100/80) and it was like 70/40! yikes! so i laid down for a while (thank god it was a slow day in ER) and drank a bunch of water and ate and got it back up to 115/84 and went about my day chugging water and munching!! def call your doctor tho!
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  • Sounds like you were having circulation problems. Could be low blood pressure. I feel the same sometimes, I just feel like I can't breath or get oxygen and really tired. Once I even felt the blood literally run out of my face, I could feel myself going pale, then nauseous.  Laying down on my side for a few minutes and drinking water helps.
  • I GET THIS ALL THE TIME! But you're a lot further along than me, so I don't know its the same thing? Dizziness is supposed to be common in your 2nd trimester. My midwife told me its a blood sugar thing, so I make sure to eat something little every few hours. But at 26 weeks, what could it mean? Hmm..
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