My coworkers are still moaning about my lack of showing, even though I've grown a considerable amount! Today one of the supers from across the street came over and asked if I was getting a belly yet (our lab coats make us totally shapeless) and when I said yes she responded "Really?? Already?!?" like it was totally preposterous. I can't win.
Re: Can't please anyone!
I feel your pain I am 23 weeks and when I tell people how far along I am they are like no way. I am carring very low so I think that has something to do with it and I was not very big to begain with as well.
Who cares? Tell them to eff off. Are they aware that you aren't impregnated and then suddenly sprout a 9 month PG belly over night? It's a gradual process, and I'm sure the bump is there, just not what they expect it to be. (By "they" I'm assuming they haven't been pregnant, or were pregnant a veeeerrrry long time ago)
I'm sure your bump is just beautiful