Going to get a pedicure- yea!- for a wedding I'm in this weekend. I was thinking of a french manicure, but instead of white tips doing silver or glitter tips. Festive or trashy?
It takes a special amount of bitch to induce menstruation in another person. - LovelyRitaMeterMaid
Since it's on your toes, I think silver tips are okay. I was a type A bride, so I would check with the bride if you are wearing open toe shoes. She might not care, but I would still check.
I think french pedis look trashy, but that silver or glitter tips would be extra terrible. If you want to be festive, I recommend something red with a little bit of shimmer.
Re: Pedicure- NBR
Please don't.
How about just red or I'm wearing a sparkly red right now which is fun for the holidays.
I would say go classic with the white, but that's just me. If the dresses ARE silver, maybe that wouldn't be so bad, but otherwise, I don't know...
And FWIW, thanks for not asking if a pedi is safe for the baby! I thought there might be something about that in here! Hehe...
I'll second this!
I like this idea or just a regular white tips. I probably wouldn't do anything else. Super jealous about your pedi!!
Ditto! French pedis look like you need to cut your nails. Blech!
i love love love glitter.. but never on my toes.. lol.. if it were me, id go with red... i say whatever makes you feel good..
french pedi's and mani's are nice and classic and you can never go wrong with that.. (its like black, goes good with anything)