Took some time today to hang the artwork that came in the mail a few days ago. Here are a ton of PIPs to show you Madelyn's room. It's basically finished! Now on to organizing drawers, washing clothes, etc!
Madelyn's tree mural and changing table:
The crib with her name above:
Dresser and artwork:
Cube storage and artwork:
Glider with the wrong color cushions! (But the light pink cushions will be here soon!)
And here's one of our cat Gizmo exploring on the glider. As hard as we try to keep the door to Madelyn's room closed she keeps sneaking in! !
Re: PIPs: Nursery (pretty much) complete!!!
OMG you are so on top of things! We just finally got the room cleaned out since it was being used as storage!!
Help me spread Urea Cycle Disorder Awareness!! 2011 DD diagnosed with UCD 2012 started process for IVF with PGD 8/9/12 started stims- 8/20/12 ER- 20 retrieved, 19 ICSI'D, 12 biopsied 5 viable unaffected embryos 8/25/12 ET-1 "awesome" embryo-9/4/12 1st beta- BFP with HPT at 7dp5dt- Beta #1 9/4/12- 210!, Beta #2 9/6/12- 465, First scan on 9/19/12 Baby Boy due 5/13/13- diagnosed with a single umbilical artery
I actually did it myself. Traced it off of a patter from Pretty easy!
You are so ahead of us! we just painted the room this past weekend, and moved the changing table in and glider.
Question : you said the pink cushions are coming in soon for the glider, did you order them somewhere? we have the same glider and need new cushions too! we have blue and want pink!
I ordered the pink twice and they sent me the brown twice. Kinda frustrating but I called and they are sending me the correct ones for free. They are from Storkcraft.
Wow. Impressive!
Help me spread Urea Cycle Disorder Awareness!! 2011 DD diagnosed with UCD 2012 started process for IVF with PGD 8/9/12 started stims- 8/20/12 ER- 20 retrieved, 19 ICSI'D, 12 biopsied 5 viable unaffected embryos 8/25/12 ET-1 "awesome" embryo-9/4/12 1st beta- BFP with HPT at 7dp5dt- Beta #1 9/4/12- 210!, Beta #2 9/6/12- 465, First scan on 9/19/12 Baby Boy due 5/13/13- diagnosed with a single umbilical artery
me too!
Artwork is from