We were watching TV the other day and a pg lady was on...he said "wow, I don't like the way her stomach is!" Huh? He said that he thinks it's sexier when a pg woman has a stomach that comes right out from under her boobs, as opposed to a sloped stomach that carries more low. Strange man I married. I've heard of a$$ men, and boob men, but a fetish for women who carry high? Sigh...
Plus I told him he was most likely out of luck with me..I'm 5'10 and expect that I'll carry lower due to my height (but you never know I guess!!). I hereby apologize to all pregnant women for my DH's stupidity.
Re: Apparently my DH has a "bump" preference...
At least you don't find it offensive!! I told him he was an idiot. lol
Not offensive, just funny. DH's are so clueless!
My BFP Chart
Steal my kids picture or pretend they are yours, I will find where you live and ship all of their dirty diapers to your doorstep. Promise.
Ha! Mine is the same way. He keeps asking if I get to keep them after the baby comes. Also, I was complaining about my weight and he told me that he bet that 10 lbs of it was in my bra and that he liked it that way!! Good thing I love him or I might have decked him.
haha, no...never seen that show! I honestly can't even remember what it was that was on - just sort of flipped channels and there it was.