I felt a twitch like feeling (like an eye twitch) in my lower abdomen once yesterday for a few seconds and once today for a few seconds. I'm skeptical cause l'm only 16 weeks but I feel pretty sure thats the baby cause I've never felt anything like that before
under your belly button is still a little high. At 18 wks, the top of your uterus is 2 finger widths below your belly button, so it would stand to reason that at 16 wks it's even farther down.
I first felt him move around 15/16 weeks, but it was very low & nothing that I could say with any confidence was consistently baby. Now I feel him every day. You'll get there!
So far, no flutters. However, since week 16, I have been getting "sore spots" (like pressure from the inside out, but truly "hurt" is too strong a word for how it feels...its like a sore spot that you want to rub and then it goes away). Underneath that spot it was hard like a little rock. The doc said its the baby stretching.
Also, today I actually called because I woke up to goto the bathroom at 3:30am and when I woke up again at 6am I still had a sore spot in the same place. The doc said that its just me feeling baby getting comfy in one spot and refusing to move lol.
I felt the baby kicking at about 17w5d. Its been about a week now. At first it was justlike gas bubbles, but first off I don't usually get those (although this is pregnancy an I've learned anything goes lol). Then the bubbles got high, like above or around my belly button and I knew it was baby. Now I can tell the difference between baby kicking and gas.
I hope this helps! Just remember that everyone is different. My doc said they expect women to begin feeling the baby anytime between 16-22 weeks
14 weeks. This seems really early, but I have an intestinal condition that makes me very aware of anything that happens in my abdomen. I felt something strange one day that wasn't gas and wasn't cramps or anything else and figured it was the baby. I didn't feel it every day, though, just every once in a while. I began feeling it regularly about two weeks ago, at 20 weeks.
I thought I was feeling vibrations right around 15 weeks 3 days, but I haven't felt it since so... I don't know.
I'm the same way. I know it shouldnt worry me but I cant help it.
I'm not worried. It's way early for any kind of consistant movement, and I can't even be sure it was baby anyway! But I was soooo sure that night. Right now I just kind of tell myself that some of the little twitches and twinges I feel are probably baby, and I just can't tell yet.
17w4d I felt a muscle spasm/tiwtch in my lower right abdomen. I didn't believe it at first but it's kept up off and on for the past few weeks. It's baby! Now and then I get stronger twinges and tweaks. It will be interesting when it's full blown kicks.
I feel mine very very low..it feels like a little vibration. They said I won't feel them as much higher because I have an anterior placenta so it's more cushion. I started lightly feeling them at 19w4d
I started feeling flutters at 14 weeks, but it was really low. If it's right below your belly button, that is too high for how far along you are since your uterus is only halfway to your belly button.
I was around 17 weeks when I felt flutters, now I feel full blown kicks/elbows. I can actually see my stomach move depending how active the little one gets! But definitely don't worry...everyone is so different...some people don't feel the baby until 20 something weeks and that is totally okay!
I only have one isolated incident. Sunday when I turned 17 weeks I think I felt flutter like movement. It was quick and it didn't register right away. I can't wait to feel them again
So far, no flutters. However, since week 16, I have been getting "sore spots" (like pressure from the inside out, but truly "hurt" is too strong a word for how it feels...its like a sore spot that you want to rub and then it goes away). Underneath that spot it was hard like a little rock. The doc said its the baby stretching.
Also, today I actually called because I woke up to goto the bathroom at 3:30am and when I woke up again at 6am I still had a sore spot in the same place. The doc said that its just me feeling baby getting comfy in one spot and refusing to move lol.
I felt the baby kicking at about 17w5d. Its been about a week now. At first it was justlike gas bubbles, but first off I don't usually get those (although this is pregnancy an I've learned anything goes lol). Then the bubbles got high, like above or around my belly button and I knew it was baby. Now I can tell the difference between baby kicking and gas.
I hope this helps! Just remember that everyone is different. My doc said they expect women to begin feeling the baby anytime between 16-22 weeks
So glad you mentioned this. I've had the exact same feeling and wasn't sure if it was baby or not. Kind of hard to describe to DH since I can only feel it from the inside.
Re: Flutters/movement
Still waiting. It's going to be a long haul for me I think.
My BFP Chart
under your belly button is still a little high. At 18 wks, the top of your uterus is 2 finger widths below your belly button, so it would stand to reason that at 16 wks it's even farther down.
I first felt him move around 15/16 weeks, but it was very low & nothing that I could say with any confidence was consistently baby. Now I feel him every day. You'll get there!
I'm the same way. I know it shouldnt worry me but I cant help it.
So far, no flutters. However, since week 16, I have been getting "sore spots" (like pressure from the inside out, but truly "hurt" is too strong a word for how it feels...its like a sore spot that you want to rub and then it goes away). Underneath that spot it was hard like a little rock. The doc said its the baby stretching.
Also, today I actually called because I woke up to goto the bathroom at 3:30am and when I woke up again at 6am I still had a sore spot in the same place. The doc said that its just me feeling baby getting comfy in one spot and refusing to move lol.
I felt the baby kicking at about 17w5d. Its been about a week now. At first it was justlike gas bubbles, but first off I don't usually get those (although this is pregnancy an I've learned anything goes lol). Then the bubbles got high, like above or around my belly button and I knew it was baby. Now I can tell the difference between baby kicking and gas.
I hope this helps! Just remember that everyone is different. My doc said they expect women to begin feeling the baby anytime between 16-22 weeks
I'm not worried. It's way early for any kind of consistant movement, and I can't even be sure it was baby anyway! But I was soooo sure that night. Right now I just kind of tell myself that some of the little twitches and twinges I feel are probably baby, and I just can't tell yet.
same here with # 1--I have felt some flutters the past day or so with this one.
So glad you mentioned this. I've had the exact same feeling and wasn't sure if it was baby or not. Kind of hard to describe to DH since I can only feel it from the inside.