Hi girls!
I've seen several posts, and been having problems myself, with finding a winter coat that is warm enough.
Well, Walmart has puffy jackets (not maternity) on sale for $7!!!! I was skeptical when my friend told me, but I went last night and picked up two! One that fits now and maybe for another month, then a bigger one! And they are reversible!
Online it looks like they are $8, but still! https://www.walmart.com/catalog/product.do?product_id=11060360
So now I can take back the coat I got from Target for $60 that was too thin! Which I never took the tag off bc I hated having to spend $60 on a coat that wasn't keeping me warm, but my best option after shopping around all day Saturday.
I hope this helps all of us northern girls fighting the cold!
Re: Winter coats - $7!!!