Morning Everyone! Here is our check-in for everyone with a due date in April 2010. If you would like to be added please post your bump name ? real name ? age and your EDD (expected delivery date). If I missed you at the last check in please post again.
If anything has changed, like your EDD after the U/S please post an update with your original EDD so I can easily find you on the list. Also make sure we know which team you are on when you find out the sex! I will add Team GREEN, BLUE, or PINK after your info!
If you are listed in the due date needed list, please update your due date for me so that I can add you to the correct date.
Check-ins will be every Monday, Wednesday and Friday by 9am EST. Feel free to check-in any time that day. Give us a general update on your progress and anything else you want to add! We will have a question of the day as well. There will also be a link to the check-in posted sometime after 3pm EST on M, W, and F. Also Fridays is bump photo day so even if you got a bump of bloat post it here with pride!
Gift Exchange is being organized by Jessys_Girl (thanks so much!) and the link to her orginial post about the exchange can be found here:
Our draws were picked for the exchange, make sure you have updated your address on your elfster profile so your secret santa knows where to send your gift! Also add your bump name to your regular name so we know who we are buying for! She also answered a lot of questions here
QOTD: How many children total would you like to have? Do you and DH/significant other agree on the number? Also if anyone has any questions they want to be asked, please PM me or write them in your post here and i'll copy them, sometimes its hard to think of a question to ask! :-)
Thoughts and well wishes goes to:
my1andonly, she is currently in the hospital on bedrest 8cm dialated, please keep her in your thoughts and prayers she needs to last until December 15, 2009 to get to 24 weeks
CharlotteBelle, she lost her son on 11/20/09
carolinah, she found out she is a carrier for a genetic disorder that effects the liver and ability for the LO to break down protein. Good luck over the next couple of weeks/months until you find out if your LO has this disorder. Good Luck at the u/s this week! UPDATE: She is having a girl and the chance goes down to 25% and its much more manageable with a female rather than a male! CONGRATS GUYS!
Jen N El, her little boy has two heart defects that need to be watched over the next few months. Please T&P that he will not need immediate open heart surgery! Next appt is Nov 30th and amino results right around then or right after due to the holidays. UPDATE: Amino results came back good and all testing has been normal! They go in for another u/s today (12/16) and hoping for good news! Good luck and congrats so far guys!
April 1st TheBeeCharmer - Cate - 24 TEAM PINK Ehoff33 - Liz - 24 bison08 - erica - 27 Paradise Princess - Angel - 25 TEAM PINK Tulip370 - Kelly - AmyLRosen - Amy - 32 Hulaqt - TEAM BLUE bb80 - beth - 28 TEAM PINK Aug Bride - anita - 36 Katejwolf - Kate - 25 Mrs.Hubbard - 28 Katdil - Elizabeth - 35 atasich - Amy - 25 sgagnon - Stephanie - 31 BW2004 - Blaire - 23 Guppysown - Chris - 33 smileyone - Jen - 32 Jordan525 - Jordan - 25 TEAM BLUE Married2003 - Jung - 39 debbiep4-Debbie-29 Beccaballoon - becca - 24 CTMama5579 - Heather - 29 cobydoll - Coby - 22 TEAM PINK April 2nd WearingRed - 25 TEAM GREEN Cindyhow - cindy Stacynikki - Stacy - 33 TEAM BLUE Annieluvsjordan - Annie - 24 Two*True - J - 29 KaylanMichelle14 - Kaylan - 21 sunshinegal0726 - Michelle - 23 TEAM BLUE Sweetnevaeh4 - 28 Mrsnchinea - Nicole - 27 RRHSMom - Sarah - 28 Mystjava - Crystal - 40 TEAM BLUE Lexis Nunez - 25 HarCoMommy - Tonya - 28 prettychyc - Linda - 34 adcffaa - Tyleena - 22 TEAM GREEN isithereyet? - Katie - 32 TEAM PINK laineybix - Elaine - 35 Jewelz416 - Julie - Lyssapee - Alyssa - 28 TEAM PINK Thejokersqueen - Brandy - 28 hunniebunches - 32 TEAM GREEN jmat08 - ashley - 22 TEAM PINK mscars10s - Emily - 20 TEAM GREEN danandkelly - Kelly TEAM PINK April 3rd sstar1308 - sarah - 27 TEAM PINK KristaNoel2010 - Krista - 22 tsu_04 - Toni - 28/ 29 TEAM BLUE sam7272 - Sam - 29 TEAM BLUE futuremrssoto - emily- 23 TEAM PINK AshA32 - Ashley - 32 mindi_lynn - Mindi - 26 pjoann78 - Trish - 31 Mac1178 - Margaret - 30 Amorlinda - Melissa - 24 KCBaby - Ann - 32 TEAM GREEN ShariL ? Shari ? 32 Rodgersonmumma - Amanda - 22 Lisa_Ont - Lisa - 33 TEAM PINK Princessn678 - Nichole - 28 TEAM PINK Lydia_w - Lydia - 25 Sylphine - Emily - 28 TEAM BLUE awolfhunt - Angela - 31 TEAM BLUE sddriggs - Stephanie - 25 TEAM BLUE ada0716 - Amber - 31 TEAM BLUE April 4th Lumbride - Katie - 33 adri823 - Adrienne - 28 TEAM BLUE 4thofJulyWedding - 4OJW - 27 AML84 - *MrsChad* - 28 TEAM PINK jennasita - Jennifer - 35 ahuddleston - Angela Speaker - 23 chris27 - Christy - 33 TEAM BLUE Kuuipo1006 - Jessica - 25 TEAM PINK KaitlynDC6 - Lisa - 28 Lindseystenlund - Lindsey - 29 TEAM BLUE Rbentley - 32 Cbandjp - Jessica Flowr4246 - Jaime Lee - 28 TEAM GREEN cajungirl0717 - Ada - 25 TEAM PINK irishrose146 - Jennifer - 26 April 5th Julie1972 - Julie - 37 parkie13 - Hellen - 30 Lisvenn - Lisa - 32 jess545 - Jessica - 25 felecia_hope - Lauren - 31 TEAM PINK LNYOST - Lauren - 28 TEAM BLUE Gsusfsh - Jessica - 26 mfield - Michelle - 28 Annierenz - annie - 30 TEAM BLUE MsMonica's1st - Monica - 33 TEAM PINK mgoldstein3 - Megan - 27 APallitto - Angelina xoxbabybubbaxox - Kayla - 17 Mrslisvenn - TEAM GREEN Llsoule - Laura - 29 jzc0106 - Jolie - 35 ChristalT - Christal - 29 TEAM PINK NinjaNic - Nicole - 27 Aa+C - Christi TEAM PINK Danto TEAM PINK Rasz39 - Rae - TEAM PINK April 6th Jennicap - Jen - 32 TEAM GREEN rachierae - Rachel - 25 Chongqingstar - 29 taralynn819 - Tara - 29 Spokorny - Stephanie - 31 O'C - Colleen - 27 hughesdegitz- Megan - 24 Taagent - Sarah - 31 kessa75 - Jessica - 33 Hadams2009 - Heather - 26 TEAM BLUE my1andonly - erin - 24 kmo91606 - Katie - 30 Aliki - Clare - 29 TEAM PINK Halfpintlbk - Laura - 26 VTFutureMRS - Ann - 25 TEAM PINK cobabymama - Chels - 21 Halfpintlbk - Laura - 26 Megannicolewheeler - Megan - 25 TEAM PINK BarbieAP - Barbara - 28 TEAM BLUE April 7th Jeccap - Jessica - 28 Gcavvv - Genna - 27 JenChris05 - Jen - 30 cherrys - Emily - 29 TEAM BLUE niene0319 - Geniene - 25 JellymanKelly - 29 EileenBerg - Eileen - 29 TEAM GREEN Lovinfall - Kanella - 32 TEAM BLUE Beyondthesea16 - Heather - 28 Toriwc - Leslie - 31 Ericnerica - Erica - 20 FutureMrsLemon - 25 ChelseyParker - Chelsey - 21 jnlalfonso- Janelle- 24 Katymichelle - Katy - 25 TEAM GREEN gypsywitch - Jessica TEAM PINK kendrabailey - Kendra - 27 grule80 - Gayle - 28 Cakemom10 - Sabrina - 30 TEAM BLUE bergs720 - Lisa - 31 TEAM PINK Hoshicat - Ash - 23 tkdtara84 - Tara - 25 CraftyPSUwife - Laura ? 26 DanieT. - Danielle ? 20 RecentlySpooned - Monica - 26 PhillyFishie - Kim - 29 xtencornfield - Kristen - 30 TEAM BLUE kmgourley - 22 LUVOURBABY - DENISE - 30 Cyndi79 - Cyndi - 30 TEAM PINK mdelamater - Megan - 24 TEAM BLUE missginag - Gina - 28 TEAM PINK Jsolivan - Jennifer - 26 TEAM BLUE April 8th melissamaloo - Melissa - 29 TEAM PINK nln883 - Natalie - 26 raineth - Raine - 29 Tropianoc - Christine Superflygrl - Kristen - 37 spring_time - Stephanie - 31 PatientlyWaiting10 - Karissa - 24 TEAM PINK Kacsurc - Christine ? 28 TWINS Crystaldaun - Crystal - 29 Love_Bunnie - Kimberly - 23 TEAM PINK DonsGirl6105 - Stephanie - 26 TEAM PINK tobereich - Keri - 36 Sejabernathy - Sarah Rose - 23 TWINS TEAM BLUE TEAM PINK emilynichole1 - Emily jacmason1984 - Jacqueline - 25 TEAM PINK Mrs.Wes2 - Mandy - 29 TEAM GREEN April 9th jteam06 - Julie - 28 TEAM GREEN LisaLovesDarren - Lisa - 25 Peony81 - Emily - 28 TEAM BLUE LOiamVE - Amber - 25 TEAM GREEN Mzovoce - Megsinwales49 - Meg - 28 Hope324 - Jill - 38 TWINS TEAM BLUE TEAM PINK Novemberbliss - Sarah - 27 LuvMyBostons - Beth - 27 TEAM GREEN GlassHalfFull - Erin - 28 Brennatay - Brenda - 25 tarvos11 - Marcy ? 26 TEAM BLUE alliecreech - allie ? 23 TEAM PINK skyrudich ? Skylar ? 31 Brwneys52 - Katie - 22 <TD class=xl25 style="BORDER-RIGHT:#ece9d8;BORDER-TOP:#ece9d8;BORDER-LEFT:#ece9d8;BORDER-BOTTOM:#ece9d8;HE
Re: *~* April Due Drops (wednesday) *~*
Morning Ladies! Things are going great! Except this morning I had a little fall/slip down my carpeted stairs...luckily it was on my butt and only about 5 or 6 stairs.
How many children total would you like to have? 3
Do you and DH/significant other agree on the number? No, he only wants one, I think we've compromised on 2.
my blog :: the domestic wannabe
Good Morning Ladies....
so scared today--- go back for re-sono today of my cervix to see if it has shrunk any further. Please!!! wish me luck. I am hoping it is holding steady.
We want 2 children with a possible 3rd. That is our wish.
Meanwhile, LO is kicking up a storm.
Have a great day!
QOTD: How many children total would you like to have? Do you and DH/significant other agree on the number?
I always thought I wanted 3 children since I had two siblings and really liked the dynamics in our family. when we first started talking about having children, DH thought he only wanted 1. But, now, I think we will definitely go for two children and see how that feels. I think I would be totally satisfied with two children.
QOTD: How many children total would you like to have? Do you and DH/significant other agree on the number?
I would like at the most 3 DH at the most 4. We will have 3 and then deceide if we want to have another one. Right now we are working on number 1.
This is funny. When we first got serious while dating, DH said he wanted as many kids as we could afford to have. When I was about 10w along, he asked me how many kids I wanted, with this really scared look on his face. I laughed and told him lets have this one and see how it goes ok?
Then we talked seriously and agreed that we didn't want just one child, but we want to wait until this one was 2 years old before trying to have another one. We'd be happy with any number of course, but we'd like to have 2 or 3.
QOTD: How many children total would you like to have? - We have talked about having four children.
Do you and DH/significant other agree on the number? - Yes we agree on the number.
Morning. . . what a crappy day. My car broke down as I drove to work this morning. Had to call a tow truck, and am waiting to hear back from the dealership. My car is still under warrantee, so at least this isn't going to break the bank at Christmas, but what a pain in the a$$.
QOTD: We are 2 and done!! Both my DH and I agreed that we would see how it went with the first child and decide on having a second. Obviously, things were good, since we are pregnant with #2. And it wouldn't have made a difference if this one had been another boy. We still would have stopped at 2. We said that we didn't want the kids to outnumber the parents!!
QOTD: How many children total would you like to have? Do you and DH/significant other agree on the number?
My H and I both want 2 children. We both feel strongly about the environmental impact of too large a population.
I grew up in a family w/ 5 kids so I love the chaos, but I don't think I could handle being the mother of that large a brood. (My mother is a much better person than me.)
Also - could you change my age to 27? Had a birthday a while back. My EDD is April 21. Thanks!
We don't really have a set number, I would say no more then 3 but my mom had 4 so I could see us with 4. It really worked well with our family, My brother and I are 18 months apart and then they waited 6 years to have the other 2 and it worked well. We are all very close. So we will see.
Good Morning ladies!
QOTD: How many children total would you like to have? Do you and DH/significant other agree on the number?
We had only planned on having 1, but God had other plans for We are definately stopping at 2 though! One or both of us are gonna fixed as soon as we can after LO is born.
Created by MyFitnessPal - Free Calorie Counter
"><a href=""><img border="0" src="" /></a><p style="text-align:center;width:420px;"><small>Created by MyFitnessPal - Free <a href="">Calorie Counter</a></small></p>Morning Ladies! All is good here except I'm dealing with terrible indigestion and heart burn and lower back pain but oh well at least I have energy and I'm not throwing up
QOTD: This is our 2nd and will most likely be our last. We are afraid for the kids to outnumber us:)!
Our theory is 2 with an option for three...after some negotiation.
DH and I both grew up with one sibling, I had a sister and he had a brother, and we're both still really close to them. So we definitely want 2 but ideally one of each, but of course, whatever we get on round 2 will be wonderful!
Depending how this delivery goes we're thinking of joining the 2 under 2 crowd next year!
QOTD: We'd like to have three or four. We both agree on the number thankfully. I'm thinking it might be more like three (God willing) since I have some blood clotting issues and need to be on some medications, one of them being an injectable one I have to do every day to myself, so not sure how many times I'll want to do it all. I'd definitely do it all again, and probably one other time. I guess we'll see.
QOTD: How many children total would you like to have? Do you and DH/significant other agree on the number? Also if anyone has any questions they want to be asked, please PM me or write them in your post here and i'll copy them, sometimes its hard to think of a question to ask! :-)
DH only wants 2 kids. I could MAYBE do three, but thus far have agreed to 2 and through. And this is #2!!! Kind of makes me sad thinking this will be my last pregnancy. We are not getting fixed however, we both feel we're to young to do that and we MAY change our minds; so I'm going to be getting an IUD after this baby is born.
Good monring ladies! All is well except that I had to cancel my monthly appt. this morn. due to rain... I take the bus and it was just too much!
QOTD: We would like to have 2 or 3. I'm really enjoying pregnancy so far and would love to experience this again. I think spacing is more of an issue for us, but we'll play it by ear and see how it goes. I'm just so excited to be having this one I cant imagine not doing it at least one more time!
DH and I want two children. If we ever change our minds and want a third, we will adopt.
Also, my age needs to be updated, too. I'm 31 now! (edd 4/10) Thanks!
QOTD: How many children total would you like to have? Do you and DH/significant other agree on the number? Also if anyone has any questions they want to be asked, please PM me or write them in your post here and i'll copy them, sometimes its hard to think of a question to ask! :-)
my DH already has two kids from his previous relationship. This will be his #3. I would like to have two of my own (making 4 for DH). Currently we're "discussing" because he's just not sure he can handle having 4 kids. It's tough because i've always wanted two...and I feel a tiny eensy bit resentful that because he's already "reached his limit" that i may miss out on a second baby. So we'll see how discussions go.
As far as questions go:
"Do you talk to your belly/baby? When and what types of things do you tell him or her?"
I am glad to be working on one right now. DH is a twin and he really liked growing up with a brother. So we plan to have at least two.
wow, it has been a long time since i have been on when a check in was on the screen. we found out we are on TEAM BLUE! we are thrilled!!
QOTD: we would love to have at least 2, but due to each of our advanced age (dh more than i even), we are in a wait and see how this little fella does mode.
I think we've both agreed on 2 ... but honestly I can't even think that far ahead! I want to finish with this one first
Levi 4.21.10