Any tips for going into the big ultrasound to get baby cooperate? Does drinking caffeine or something sugary help? Or I was told to drink a lot of water? I think I will pull the emotional pregnant lady card and start crying if the baby doesn't move its legs. Thanks, our ultrasound is in the morning!
Re: Gender U/S Question
I have heard if you drink something cold like juice or water right before you can get the baby to wake up and move but today in my U/S our little girl was awake and mmoving ans sucking on her thumb but it was impossible to get her to move her legs and let the tech see the gender .....
GL !!!
If you drink anything but water, have a small small glass of oj. I had about 8oz of oj an hour and a half before my appointment and he was too squirmy. As soon as he finally moved his hand we were able to see that he's a boy, but they couldn't get all of his measurements. It's more important to get the measurements then to find out that sex.
I didn't drink the oj to get him to cooperate, but I had a sudden craving for it.
Good luck
I didn't drink anything special (in fact, I didn't even have time for breakfast) & he was more than cooperative. The u/s itself takes a while to do, so you'll have plenty of opportunity to see the baby.
Have fun tomorrow!
i drank coffee beforehand (because it was at 9:15am and i've drank coffee every morning since it smelled good again, i.e. after 1st tri) and dd slept almost the whole time anyway. this girl doesn't wake till the evening, no matter what i eat/drink.
ds was the same way, drank oj before the big u/s to get him moving. he actually did sleep the entire time.
I drank a pretty big glass of oj about an hour and a half beforehand and even took some in with didn't help. Both of them were happy being all curled up. We did find out their genders though because they eventually started moving around, but it certainly wasn't because of the oj. We went back today to get the rest of the pictures that they couldn't get the first time, and I tried a little coffee today...apparently, nothing can get these two kiddos moving around. The u/s tech ended up moving the bed so that my body was slightly upside down (she said only gravity can really do anything)....but I wouldn't suggest standing on your head or anything
I drank a mini-bottle of orange juice in the waiting room before our u/s today. Baby was moving and we got great shots of the goods.
ETA: My u/s was just a fun one to find out the sex. When we have our anatomy scan in 3 weeks, I won't drink anything sugary b/c I want them to get all of the measurements.