2nd Trimester

NBR: Christmas time makes me depressed

We're currently watching 'Crazy Christmas Lights' on TLC and I'm watching all these people deck their houses out with INSANE amounts of lights. It's making me kind of depressed since we can't afford a Christmas tree, never mind presents :( This is out first Christmas as a married couple, and quite frankly, it sucks. Boo.

Re: NBR: Christmas time makes me depressed

  • Don't worry about all the lights, presents or trees.  Christmas is what you make of it.  Start a new tradition with your DH that you can carry on to your LO.  Maybe instead of gifts this year you two can write something sweet to one another and say why you appreciate each other.  Or... make a Christmas tree out of material and boxes. 

    I love Christmas time but I also have something else to look forward to... my 1 year anniversary is on Dec 27th.  :)

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  • *Hugs*

    What about driving around one night to look at the Christmas lights? That always puts me in a good mood.

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  • We'd have to go to Massachusetts for the nearest neighborhood of lights...and we don't have money for the gas right now :(
  • Our first year was a little tight, too, since we paid for our wedding ourselves and in cash.  We got a tiny, little, two and a half foot tree and decorated it with $2 lights I bought at BigLots and a couple ornaments.  If you go to a tree lot really close to Christmas, sometimes they'll give you super discounts just to get it off the lot.  Also, for presents, my husband and I get eachother something collectively, like a nice camera or something we could both use.  Don't let this get you down, though, just think of all the things you will get to do in the Christmases to come, especially when the LO comes!  :)
  • Our first Christmas when we moved in together was pretty skinny too. We got a tree for $12, which we decorated with cut up aluminum cans.
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  • I know what you are going through. We are strapped as it is and with the holidays we will be lucky to have toilet paper let alone presents. But the holidays are what you make of them. My hubby to be and I just had to cancel our wedding which was set for the next Monday (the 21st) and that was hard enough. But I am still very excited to be spending the "most wonderful time of the year" with my hubby to be my family and my little monster. Even without a tree and lights we still have love and fellowship. That brightens up my holiday spirit!

  • Our first Christmas together was rough as well... we bought a 2 1/2 ft fake tree and decorated it with stuff from the dollar store... we didn't get each other presents but it was fun celebrating together anyway :-)   
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