I feel like my abdomen has shrunk.
I also have my 15 week apt tomorrow and am feeling so nervous! I have no symptoms of being pregnant other than my chest is a bit more full (this has been the case since BFP) and while everyone says how lucky I am, it's hard to feel that way when I have no indicator that I am pregnant or that things are progressing (other than when we heard the HB just before 11 weeks).
I am ready to feel pregnant, I am ready to start showing, and I am READY to let go of my constant thoughts about the possibility of a missed miscarriage.
If things go well tomorrow, I really hope to embrace feeling normal, and let go of all my anxieties.
Does anyone else relate?
Re: 15 weeks tomorrow and....
It will all come. I had no m/s and no signs of pregnancy other than exhaustion. I had so much bloat from the time I got my BFP till I was around 13w. I was wearing a bella band, couldn't button my pants, etc. Then I went on vacation at 15-16w and was wearing normal clothes (no band) because it had gone down and also "shrunk." After that is when I started getting my real bump.
I just (barely) started feeling pregnant and I'm 19 weeks tomorrow. Be patient, one day it will just hit you.
Have fun at your appointment tomorrow!
Yes, you are soooo not alone. I had a nervous breakdown earlier over a "doppler issue" which I won't go into. I'm CONSTANTLY worried about my LO. My bloating seems to be going away, I'm in regular pants and a shirt today and DEFINITELY do not look pregnant. Everyone seems to say this is a sign our bump could be coming soon. I don't feel pregnant at all...I mean, I'm tired and my bb's are a little sore, but it's certainly not obvious.
I'm ready for my baby to move around constantly...to look huge...to get weird cravings! I want it all!
This is me exactly-Thanks for your post....Hang in there too!
I agree-I love knowing how all the mom's close to the same due date to me are doing/feeling. I also expected weeks 13-14 to feel different! I just feel plain NORMAL! Ugh....I knowing complaining about this annoys people, but when you are longing to feel pregnant (in some way shape or form) it's hard not feel good!
I just need reassurance I think....When is your next apt?
December 29th I'll have my 16 week appointment, I think they just listen to the heart beat and check my "fundus".
My ob is very strict on waiting til 20 weeks for the "big" U/S. So, I won't know until the end of January.
How about you?
I still have to make my "big" 18-20 weeks u/s apt. I wanted to get through tomorrow's first, then schedule the other the other-I didn't want to schedule is sooner in case I needed to cancel it (isn't that terrible)?!
You will be looking very forward to your 16 week apt...just like I am anticipating this one tomorrow....
Keep me posted on things! I will look for your posts.