2nd Trimester

15 weeks tomorrow and....

I feel like my abdomen has shrunk.

I also have my 15 week apt tomorrow and am feeling so nervous! I have no symptoms of being pregnant other than my chest is a bit more full (this has been the case since BFP) and while everyone says how lucky I am, it's hard to feel that way when I have no indicator that I am pregnant or that things are progressing (other than when we heard the HB just before 11 weeks).

I am ready to feel pregnant, I am ready to start showing, and I am READY to let go of my constant thoughts about the possibility of a missed miscarriage. 

If things go well tomorrow, I really hope to embrace feeling normal, and let go of all my anxieties. 

Does anyone else relate? 

Re: 15 weeks tomorrow and....

  • It will all come. I had no m/s and no signs of pregnancy other than exhaustion. I had so much bloat from the time I got my BFP till I was around 13w. I was wearing a bella band, couldn't button my pants, etc. Then I went on vacation at 15-16w and was wearing normal clothes (no band) because it had gone down and also "shrunk." After that is when I started getting my real bump. 

  • I just (barely) started feeling pregnant and I'm 19 weeks tomorrow.  Be patient, one day it will just hit you.  

    Have fun at your appointment tomorrow!  :)

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  • Just about a week ago my bump starting growing, but before that I was worried about the whole "not feeling pregnant" thing. I had my 17w appt. today and heard the heartbeat again and everything is going fine. Just give it time. I was worried too and now I'm not.
  • Yes, you are soooo not alone.  I had a nervous breakdown earlier over a "doppler issue" which I won't go into.  I'm CONSTANTLY worried about my LO.  My bloating seems to be going away, I'm in regular pants and a shirt today and DEFINITELY do not look pregnant.  Everyone seems to say this is a sign our bump could be coming soon.  I don't feel pregnant at all...I mean, I'm tired and my bb's are a little sore, but it's certainly not obvious. 

    I'm ready for my baby to move around constantly...to look huge...to get weird cravings! I want it all!

  •  This is me exactly-Thanks for your post....Hang in there too!


    Yes, you are soooo not alone.  I had a nervous breakdown earlier over a "doppler issue" which I won't go into.  I'm CONSTANTLY worried about my LO.  My bloating seems to be going away, I'm in regular pants and a shirt today and DEFINITELY do not look pregnant.  Everyone seems to say this is a sign our bump could be coming soon.  I don't feel pregnant at all...I mean, I'm tired and my bb's are a little sore, but it's certainly not obvious. 

    I'm ready for my baby to move around constantly...to look huge...to get weird cravings! I want it all!

  • Keep me updated!  We're very close to the same due date...so it's great to keep up with how everyone's doing!  I keep thinking my 17 or 18 weeks I HAVE to feel differently...but I thought that about 14 and 15 weeks too!
  •  I agree-I love knowing how all the mom's close to the same due date to me are doing/feeling. I also expected weeks 13-14 to feel different! I just feel plain NORMAL! Ugh....I knowing complaining about this annoys people, but when you are longing to feel pregnant (in some way shape or form) it's hard not feel good!

    I just need reassurance I think....When is your next apt? 

    Keep me updated!  We're very close to the same due date...so it's great to keep up with how everyone's doing!  I keep thinking my 17 or 18 weeks I HAVE to feel differently...but I thought that about 14 and 15 weeks too!
  • December 29th I'll have my 16 week appointment, I think they just listen to the heart beat and check my "fundus". 

    My ob is very strict on waiting til 20 weeks for the "big" U/S.  So, I won't know until the end of January.

    How about you? 

  •  I still have to make my "big" 18-20 weeks u/s apt. I wanted to get through tomorrow's first, then schedule the other the other-I didn't want to schedule is sooner in case I needed to cancel it (isn't that terrible)?!

    You will be looking very forward to your 16 week apt...just like I am anticipating this one tomorrow....

     Keep me posted on things! I will look for your posts. 


    December 29th I'll have my 16 week appointment, I think they just listen to the heart beat and check my "fundus". 

    My ob is very strict on waiting til 20 weeks for the "big" U/S.  So, I won't know until the end of January.

    How about you? 

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