That is the best feeling ever! I remember feeling the warmth of the babies when I kangarood them together for hours aftwards.
IVF #3 = ID Twin Boys
TTC #3, June 2011 FET #1 m/c 9 Weeks, October FET #2 BFN, December FET #3 BFN,
March FET #4 c/p, June FET #5 BFN, July FET #6 embie didn't survive the thaw
IVF#4 September 2012
Identical twin boys born at 30 weeks 2 days due to HELLP
That's one thing, if I HAD to pick one, I loved about the whole NICU experience. Kangaroo care. It really is the most amazing experience ever.....I agree with PP - cherish it. My girls are 4 weeks now, and I miss those first moments so much. I remember them laying on my chest and me closing my eyes thinking, "it doesn't get better than this".
Did you get a pic? The hospital took a picture of DH and I when we first got to kangaroo with LO. It was the first picture we had of her.. I got to hold her the day after I had her, so I'm still in my hospital gown. Anyways, it's so crazy to see how small she was on my chest compared to now.
I remember how awesome it felt. That's so exciting!
Re: got to do "kangaroo care" with little girl tonight
Brady Phoenix, 8.29.09
Claire Zoe, 10.26.10
That was one of the most (maybe THE most) amazing moments of my life. Congratulations!!!!!
My Blog
i totally agree.
Did you get a pic? The hospital took a picture of DH and I when we first got to kangaroo with LO. It was the first picture we had of her.. I got to hold her the day after I had her, so I'm still in my hospital gown. Anyways, it's so crazy to see how small she was on my chest compared to now.
I remember how awesome it felt. That's so exciting!