I tried doing a clicky poll, but it didn't show. (Now watch 20 pop up in 5 min or so)
Anyway, I was just wondering if you plan on using disposable diapers, cloth diapers, or a combination of both, and why?
I was wanting to go cloth all the way, but my mom thinks it would be better to at least have some disposables for night to help keep the wetness off the skin, and keep diaper rash to a minimum.
Re: Diapers
If I decide to stay home we will do cloth; otherwise we'll do disposables since our day care won't do cloth.
I do know that with my friends who use cloth - they still use disposables for the night sometimes, long trips, etc.
Why does your mom think disposable will prevent diaper rash? Everything I've read says cloth is better for that because of the lack of chemicals. Just make sure you change them as soon as possible.
I'm going to try gDiapers. It's kind of the best of both worlds. I can either use the disposible inserts or the cloth inserts. I'd really like to do all cloth. I did disposibles with DD though.
From what I've heard, a lot of people aren't able to do cloth in the very beginning because the baby is so small and they aren't able to get a good fit. I think for overnight you can double up on the insert and that should keep leaking to a minimum.
She said that the disposables draw the moisture away from the skin, and with cloth it just sits there. I really don't know anything about this category, but my two references are my mom and the bump, which is why I figured I'd ask.
I wanted to do cloth with DS but they didn't work very well on him because he has such big thighs! Haha! So we did cloth during the day from about 2m-6m and disposable at night and daycare. DS wanted nothing to do with the bulkiness of the cloth once he started to crawl and move around more....he screamed when I put them on him! So from 6m its been disposable.
Since we have some cloth, I will try cloth again on #2 but still stick with disposable at night and going out.
There are some really cute cloth diapers out there! It is hard to pass them up!
Just try to not let LO hang out with wet diapers for long periods of time and it really shouldn't make a difference.
I plan on doing disposable at first, just b/c this is our first baby and I don't want the stress of diapers on top of a newborn. After the first few weeks, we are going to do a program that allows us to do a trial of cloth diapers for 2 weeks for $25! That way we can make sure it is for us. We are going to be taking a class on cloth diapering in January sometime....
hopefully we will be able to do cloth the rest of the time!
Evelyn (3.24.10), Graham (5.30.13) & Miles (8.28.16)
Cloth diapers significantly decrease the risk of diaper rash (compared to disposables), so that's not really a good reason.
Also, they make special inserts for overnight to help keep moisture away from baby's bottom.
Evelyn (3.24.10), Graham (5.30.13) & Miles (8.28.16)
We're planning on trying cloth, but I'm not sure if it will work out for us.
We do cloth. They are more absorbant, so we have fewer leaks and blowouts. Disposables draw moisture away from the skin using chemicals. If you're really concerned about it, you can use a fleece liner to keep the moisture off the skin.
I'm planning on hybrid: g diapers. And disposable at night.
We will be using cloth. As far as the first few weeks and adjusting to the baby, I plan on getting a service for the first month or two so it isn't too overwhelming.
We will be in cloth. If I have to find a daycare that does cloth then I will. Even if it means an in-home daycare. But I am not sure what our daycare situation will be yet, since I am not sure what I will be working yet.
You really shouldnt be letting a baby stay in a sposie' all night anyway. Little ones need ot be changed often. But they do make cloth diapers that keep the moisture from their skin. And from everything I have read/seen diaper rash is less frequent with cloth. There are lots of options. I recommend that you check out the Eco-Friendly Family board. As well as Diaperswappers.com and PinstripesandPolkadots.com for more great information.