2nd Trimester


I think this is just pain from the stretching of muscles, but I have a lot of sensitivity in the upper part of my stomach - way up near my bra. I notice it's getting very hard as well. The pain I'm feeling feels like after you do a bunch of sit-ups, but it's much higher than anything I've ever experienced. My mom said she thinks it's my ab muscles stretching, but just wanted to know if anybody else has this pain.

Re: Ouch!

  • I have... it could also be your organs getting a little smushed up above as the lower part of your abdomen is making room for baby

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  • I totally have that pain today. I've had it on and off for a week. I'm just a few days behind you, so it must be the muscles stretching or something. That's exactly what it feels like to me though- stomach pain from sit-ups but much higher.
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