Hi there - I saw your response in my maternity leave post. Since the information is public here yet I can't really ask any questions of my own HR department. Do you know if a company can make you use your paid time off (i.e. vacation) concurrently with FMLA? I'm sure I can take 12 weeks because my company is big enough but I'm betting you can't opt to take it unpaid if you have paid time just sitting there, right?
Formerly known as elmoali

Re: Cytina- HR question
Just thought I'd share my personal experience, my company does require that I use all PTO (Paid time off) concurrently with FMLA. I'm not eligible for Short term dis. until I've used all my PTO.
Just thought I'd share. GL
My company does not force you to use up your PTO while on FMLA. And, you are also eligible for STD even if you aren't using up the PTO.
But, it's not illegal for a company to make you use up your PTO while out on leave.
Yes, your company can require you use PTO concurrent with your FMLA leave. For instance, I can take 12 weeks FMLA but only 8 will be paid by STD so for the remaining 4 weeks I have to use any and all PTO. Once it's gone, I can remain on unpaid status for the duration of my FMLA.
Let me know if you have any other questions!