2nd Trimester

NBR: Cold

Why, when it is 37 degrees outside, do they feel the need to blast cold air through the vents at my work?!?!  I am sitting here in my big winter coat with gloves on while I am inside!!!! 

Okay sorry had to vent...

Re: NBR: Cold

  • lol.  I can relate (sort of).  I live near the coast in CA so 37 degrees isn't in my vocabulary unless it's in the middle of the night.  (and that's rare too). 

    The air system is messed up in my classroom.  Half the day the heater is pumping hot air, so much so I have to strip all my cold weather clothing off to be comfortable.  Then 10 minutes later the A/C comes on and I'm putting my sweater and jacket back on!  It's ridiculous!

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  • Oh I hear you! My classroom has been soooo cold lately and its in the 30's today here as well. We all wear at least two layers now. Ugh. I don't like shivering all day
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