I have chosen to never have a flu shot (even when I was working as an EMT) because my brother got one and had an allergic reaction and I don't tolerate eggs well and that's an ingredient (not allergic in the anaphylactic way, just really does a number on my stomach).
This past weekend we went back to NJ for a friends engagement party and I had a NASTY cold. MIL and FIL told me I NEED to get the H1N1 shot. I wouldn't have gotten sick if I had it. It's stupid that I don't get it, I'm not allergic to eggs, it doesn't say I have to like eggs, etc. They said that I should go get a flu shot that day so that I would get over being sick faster.
Uhmmm??????? I have a cold, not the flu. The flu shot is not for colds, and the flu shot will not help you recover from the flu, it is only for prevention. Sometimes I can't stand my MIL and her "well I raised DH and he is perfect so therefore I know what I'm talking about" attitude.
Re: So apparently MIL and FIL are medical experts now...
The sad thing is my ILs are medical experts and their advice is just as bad.
My MIL informed me this weekend that I could not give birth without pitocin, as in, the birth can't happen if I don't take it.
She also told me that when she was a child no one disobeyed when she was a child in school. They all sat nicely in their seats, didn't fidget and did as they were told. According to her, TV has been the cause of all learning disabilities now, which did not exist when she was a child.
I'm sorry, it's annoying, and I hope you feel better soon!
My father-in-law is (literally) a rocket scientist yet he swears that gender is determined after egg fertilization as part a chemical reaction - not determined by which sperm fertilizes the egg. And he argues with DH, who is a biologist, about this process. Sheeeeeh.
i feel your MIL and FIL pain.. lol.. my posts are usually about me complaining about them...
ill trade in laws with you!
but i bet you'd rather put up with a "know it all attitude" rather than all the insanity my IL's put me through...
haha my MIL and FIL are the peak of the "good". My SIL this past summer was screaming at DH and I that we need to get a divorce becaues our relationship is not healthy. We're not right for each other etc. She lives in Texas, we live in Ohio. We had seen her once prior since we had gotten married 2 years before. I guess she knew more about my marriage than I did....And then I'm still nice adn tell her she's going to be an aunt, and now it's all about her. How she's so excited and everything she's going to do with the baby etc (this would normally be nice except she has never once told me congrats or asked how I am so it's all fake and for attention). also how is she going to do all this stuf with my baby when I see her about 1x a year? Haha I love the IL drama!
I'd lie.
"My doctor says it's not a good idea for me".
I bet that shuts them up.