This may be flameworthy I suppose, but I'm genuinely upset, so here it goes. We had our big ultrasound today. Thankfully, the baby is completely healthy, which I'm very pleased about! Unfortunately, it had the cord between its legs the whole time (about an hour) so we have no idea if it's a boy or girl.
This is our third baby. With our first, we couldn't tell what it was because she was always curled up in a ball. We even had 3 ultrasounds (because she was measuring small) and still couldn't tell. With our second, we were told it was a girl 2 times. However, in the delivery room, we welcomed a baby boy.
I really thought today that it would be "typical." We would be able to tell the gender and would go out and celebrate by picking out some clothes and finalizing a name. I'm just disappointed is all.
I know I'm whining. I AM incredibly thankful for this baby's health. Ultimately, the gender doesn't matter one way or the other. I just can't help but feel a little bummed.
Thanks for reading!
Re: Big ultrasound vent...
Awwww, you poor thing!! I don't think it's flame worthy at all! Have you thought about paying for another u/s?? Did the tech let you try different things to get the baby moving more?
I'm sorry you couldn't find out. I'd be disappointed as well =(
Congrats on a healthy baby #3 though!
Carter Robert 7.18.08 | Brynn Sophia 5.24.10 | Reid Joseph 9.10.12 | Emerson Mae 1.27.14
Aw, I'm sorry baby wouldn't cooperate. I guess all your LOs are into suprises:)
Congratulations on a healthy baby! I was be bummed too if our tech couldn't see the sex during the big u/s. If that were my case, I'd definitely look into getting a 3D ultrasound. Good luck!
I would be frustrated too! This is our first baby and I'm PSYCHED to find out the sex. I think I would be moving my belly all over trying to get that cord to move out of the way! Are you going to be able to get another u/s?
I know how you feel. A similar thing happened to me. You come to the bump and read all these great ?It?s A?? post and when it is your turn and you don?t get the experience you were hoping for it is quite disappointing.
Hopefully, you?ll be able to get another U/S and find out for sure.