2nd Trimester

Too many ultrasounds?

I may be just paranoid since I'm a first time mom, but it looks like I could end up with 5 u/s's by the end of my pregnancy. It sounds like a lot to me, but it's just the way it worked out. Is there any credible evidence that this is a problem for my baby? I know you can find studies to say anything you want, but it's hard to know what to trust.

The 5th would be an elective 3d/4d when I'm farther along, so I'm trying to decide if I should skip that or not. I don't want to be that crazy, paranoid pregnant lady, but I also don't want to do anything that would hurt the baby. TIA! 

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Re: Too many ultrasounds?

  • Sorry I get one every 3w due to my high risk status.  And I believe my baby will be fine. My Dr has delivered the most amount of multiples in the US. I tend to believe his methods are best.  I wouldnt worry.
  • I have had one at every months appt. I have had 4 to date.I plan to also have the 3d/4d one as well. Babies have been getting ultrasounds and been just fine as far as I care besides I like seeing my baby grown and develop.
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  • Personally I would not do an elective one if I had that many (actually, I wouldn't do an elective one for any reason). There aren't really long term studies to show that there isn't a negative affect, so I wouldn't risk it.


    I'm not saying those who get them for medical reasons are endangering their child in any way.

  • imageNJBride4-8-05:
    Sorry I get one every 3w due to my high risk status.  And I believe my baby will be fine. My Dr has delivered the most amount of multiples in the US. I tend to believe his methods are best.  I wouldnt worry.

    That's good to hear! I guess it just sounds like a lot to me because my OB said I should really only need 1 during the whole pregnancy. But because I head early cramping and got the NT scan, etc, it's more. I guess he just put that low number in my head! 

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  • I've had 5 already, and might have to have another 2 or 3 more due to prior history.


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  • I will be 16 weeks tomorrow.  I have had 7 u/s so far because I have had quite a few complications.  My doctor said there is no harm to the baby whatsoever. 
  • Ultrasounds are perfectly safe for baby.  No worries about how many you have.
  • I have had 5 already and will have a sixth on the 5th..

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  • I wouldn't worry at all.  Research seems to say that ultrasounds are perfectly safe, and I'll definitely be having 5 by the end, none of which are elective, but some in the beginning were done just because the doctor already had the machine in the room (so basically for fun.).  I highly doubt that she would have done that if there was any risk involved.

     The only reason that some baby books say not to go to the 3d/mall ultrasound places is just because they can't diagnose problems if they see them. As long as you are still getting them from your doctor I don't see a problem at all.

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  • I had 5 with DS and 3 already this time.  I don't request these, but I don't see a problem with them.

    u/s are not like xrays/ct scans etc....they use sound waves.

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  • I've had 7 ultrasounds so far due to IVF, spotting, and now we are seeing a peri every 4 weeks.  I will be having at least 4 more ultrasounds and possibly more.  I know they say there are no problems with this, but honestly, if I were given the choice I would want as few ultrasounds as possible. 
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  • Thanks ladies! I feel better. I guess I've never known anyone who had more than 2 or 3. I know there are varying opinions, but if so many OBs are doing 5 or more, that makes me feel more confident. Like I said earlier, my OB said I should only get 1, but he may have said that more because of insurance or whatever. That's just not the way it worked out!
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  • imagehydies33:
    Thanks ladies! I feel better. I guess I've never known anyone who had more than 2 or 3. I know there are varying opinions, but if so many OBs are doing 5 or more, that makes me feel more confident. Like I said earlier, my OB said I should only get 1, but he may have said that more because of insurance or whatever. That's just not the way it worked out!


    1 is the norm unless there are problems (or perhaps a dating u/s). Thats probably what he was refering to.

  • So far I've had five and have another 3 or 4 to go.  I have to get my cervix measured every 2 wks and should have been since we found out (this didn't start until 20wks).  My ILs want me to do a 3d/4d u/s but I don't think I'm going to do it.  If it wasn't necessary to do the u/s then you dr wouldn't do them. 
  • I have already had five ultrasounds and have asked my ob about risk factors.   He told me that ultrasounds are very safe, and there are no known side affects from having to many.  He said I could have one every week if I wanted to pay for it. lol.

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  • I've had 4. 2 in office, 1 in radiology, and my NT scan. I have my big u/s in January, and I don't think I'll get a 3d/4d (at one of those strip mall places) because I feel weird about a non medical professional doing it. Not because I think it's unsafe though, just because... there's something weird about it to me. I wouldn't worry at all :)

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  • I've had 9 so far... all medically necessary. I'll probably have 1-3 more depending on when LO decides they want to come out. I wouldn't worry.
  • This coming Monday will be my 5th ultrasound. I welcome them!!! My first 3 were because of my spotting. My 4th was because they couldn't find the heartbeat on the doppler and got nervous. And my 5th will be the big one. :)

    Then i'm pretty sure i'll have a few more throughout the rest of my pregnancy.

  • Sorry to throw a wrench in this, but my midwife told us to get as few as possible because more information was coming out that it might (i say might) be harmful to the baby.  Soundwaves are not guaranteed to be safe, so just be cautious about it.  I'm only having one at 19 weeks to check for development and growth.

    Some doctors prescribe more for more high risk issues and I believe that exposing the baby to ultrasound is probably better than not knowing something is wrong and being able to fix it.  But for a low risk pregnancy, I don't see the reasoning for having more intervention.  

    Do whatever is best for you!

  • Agree with PP, they are coming out with more evidence now. Yes, now they do not have evidence that says it's UNSAFE but they do not have evidence that says it's SAFE. I mean, they used to tell moms that it was ok to smoke and drink during pregnancy too (I am NOT comparing u/s's to smoking and drinking while pregnant; I am just saying that medical advice and info changes).

    Babies move away from the sound waves when the u/s starts and some will turn their heads away or put their hands out trying to block the waves. 

    That said u/s is a very valuable tool especially in high risk situations and has saved many babies' lives through diagnostics. It all depends on your situation. If your Dr. says you need it for a medical reason then by all means go for it. I wouldn't do an elective or unneccessary one but that's just me.

  • The NP told me at my last visit that there was a woman in her practice that at teh end of her pregnancy, she had 20-something u/s!  That is totally extreme and apparently this woman had mucho amount of complications.  I think it will be OK.  Do what you think is best and GL!

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  • I've had 4 already. My doctor does them every time, I don't ask for them it is just part of the appointment. Since the insurance system is different here and ultrasounds don't cost extra most doctors do them at every appointment. I like getting to see our LO every few weeks.
  • Due to complications, I've had 6. I know several people who have had them twice a month because of their risk category. I wouldn't choose to have had so many, but It's not something I'm worried about.
    So it goes.
  • I've had two so far, and I'll have another one on Thursday.  We're having a 4D done next week so we can give the prints as Christmas presents.  I think any more than 5 without being high risk is a little excessive...but oh well.
  • I have had 7 u/s so far and I am almost 21 weeks. I have many left. I am sure the babies are fine. I am high risk though.

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  • I originally wanted a doppler and to do an extra ultrasound early to find out gender, but after researching it and discovering that some question their safety, I decided not to do any that aren't medically necessary.

  • I have to have them twice a week with a NST.  They only last about 1-2 minutes.  I wouldn't worry about it, I don't think a dr would allow this if it was bad for baby.
  • I wouldn't do an elective ultrasound.  As one PP noted, there are some questions popping up now about whether there is sufficient evidence showing they are safe.  I had an ultrasound of my leg done due to a suspected blood clot, and the sonographer made a point of telling me that this ultrasound wouldn't impact the baby (since it was far away from my uterus).  She also noted, as one PP did, that babies try to move away from the sound because it bothers them, and that there is some research now showing that it could lead to ear issues (infections and the need for tubes).

    All medical procedures have risks and benefits.  If my doctor wanted to do another for a good medical reason, I'd consider it. Otherwise, I'm done with ultrasounds.

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