So some of my fam seems to think I am VERY big and jokingly asked if I was having twins - It kind of hurt my feelings because I don't know if I am fat because of fat, or fat because of baby LOL I am not an overweight person, pretty normal build (I am hippy, and have a butt!) so the ever increasing tummy I assumed was baby. But they think at 15wks I am "really" big. Am I? Or is this a good belly bump lol This is my first pregnancy. Help!
Re: Is my belly "normal" - 15wk Belly Pic
Everyone carries differently, and I am learning REALLY quickly that a lot of older women who have grown kids like to forget what they REALLY looked like during certain times. I think you look perfectly healthy and it's definitely a baby bump! I'm only a couple weeks ahead of you and my tummy looks pretty similar
My BFP Chart
Thanks. Now hubby is swearing I was pooching out bc of how my back was bent, but I wasn't, I tried to be relaxed... If I suck in, its not as "big", but I was trying to show my belly in a relaxed state!
Anyone have 15wk belly pics to share?
Can we see!? LOL I am totally prude at showing my belly, so this is a first.
Mine looks very similar! I almost posted a pic yesterday but accidentally deleted it from my camera. I'll have to try & take another pic sometime today.
I feel a lot bigger than I should be but I had a few extra lbs beforehand. Also, I'm only 5'3" so I figure there's not as much space in there to begin with.
dixie - i'm about a week behind you and my belly is almost identical! i vote that it's completely normal. a lot of it is definitely bloat but it's all still caused by the baby, rather than fat. we are built similarly so those pics might as well be ones i took of myself!
don't let your family get you down, you look great!!!
i have a 15 week belly pic in my blog. i don't think you look big at all - there's a baby and all it's stuff in there, where are you supposed to hide that? people will always have a comment, too big, too small...don't worry about it
When taking a belly pic, should one pose with a relaxed belly (like you would if you were all by yourself in the house and didnt care how fat you looked LOL) or should you pose with it slightly "sucked in" if you normally carry yourself that way?
I know build can change alot, so its hard to always compare bellies from person to person. Do you have pics of your bump?
Well I was all excited to get maternity jeans, and then the same thing happened: "WOW I didnt get mine till 8months!!!" - My normal jeans FIT but the fronts/sides cut into me, so I went ahead and got them, and they fit just fine and are so much more comfy. I don't know if I should feel fat. :P
Totally - I almost felt embarrassed to go into the maternity store at 15 wks! I just couldn't stand the uncomfortable waistline anymore. Its just my body and the way I will carry / gain weight I guess. Some people think its like a badge of honor to go as long as possible in regular pants using belly bands, rubber bands etc - but I would just rather be comfortable since I sit at a desk all day!
Me too. I have a desk job, so my jeans were digging in bad, esp when I bent over to grab paperwork - I'd suffocate myself! LOL
Plus the maternity jeans flatter my belly, my belly doesnt just hang out of the top of cute low rise Levi's. Makes my fat look like it has purpose, IMO...LOL
I think you look great! People are funny, I hear the opposite. I am having twins and people love to freak me out saying that I am not showing enough and that their 'friend' who had twins....(usually insert was showing more than you at ___ weeks or something crazy). I think its different for everyone, you need to consider height, weight, muscle tone, shape (longer vs shorter torso)....As long as your doc is happy that is all that matters!
Enjoy your bump.
Aw thank you. And thanks to everyone else who said it was a good bump.. I feel better... LOL
That's looks exactly like what a baby belly should be! It's gonna be weird some people will tell you that you look huge then the next day others will say you look tiny just ignore it honestly! Here is mine at 16 weeks
LOVE your 16 wk bump!
:::points to 15w belly pic in siggy:::
You're not that big at all
Carter Robert 7.18.08 | Brynn Sophia 5.24.10 | Reid Joseph 9.10.12 | Emerson Mae 1.27.14
No worries, you look great! My best friend is 6 weeks ahead of me and she got so upset when people would ask if she had two in there...she was bigger than you at 15 weeks, but that's just her build (she had some belly fat before pg, and the baby was just pushing that out plus some more!).
I think I'll look like you in a week or belly sticks out quite a bit at the bottom like yours, and people at work have already commented that I'm starting to "show" (I say show in quotes because I consider showing to be when strangers know your pg...I just look pg to people who knew what my figured USED to be! lol).
No ones noticed really, but I don't wear tight clothes, and kind of suck in around people. lol
You are pregnant don't suck in. Seriously you look normal stop worrying most pregnant women are jealous of those that get their belly's early! Also just because I got mine early does not mean I am HUGE now I am at a pretty average size for my week.
The sucking in is kind of habit for good posture... lol Now that Im preg its getting harder to squeeze in all those muscles, it kind of feels like it squishes my uterus LOL
I have the same issue. I popped really early, especially for a first pregnancy. People could see my bump when I was 12 weeks. Anyway, when I took my 17 weeks belly pic for my mother in law she sent it to her sister. Her sister asked her if I was having twins!! Then I got all paranoid, of course, but it turns out that it is only one boy.
There is also another woman here at work who is only one week behind me and she barely looks like she is showing at all. She can still easily hide hers while, compared to her, I look like I could give birth at any minute! It's kind of hilarious because everyone can't believe how different we look. They all think I'm so far ahead of her.