So our company shuts down for the last two weeks of the year and a fellow co-worker asked me if I had any plans for the break. Were planning on doing our nursery and then she asked what were going to be doing. So I explained that were having our bedding made and its black and white with turquoise accents and that the furniture is black. She asked about the walls which we are painting grey with 14" horizontal stripes. Every other stripe is going to be shiny. She was like wow your already planning to have a child with issues I see. Did you ever notice that maybe there is a reason why they don't make black and white bedding. I didn't even know what to say to her, but it took everything in me not to throw my hot chocolate all over her. She was like make sure you bring in a picture and I will be the judge of if is cute, but good luck with your child.
Oh no she didnt!!!!!!!!!!
Re: Work Vent
I don't understand what one has to do with the other. Nursery colors are going to determine if your child has "problems"? What exactly does she mean by problems? I would have gotten VERY offended and probably never talked to her again. People are so rude.
BTW your nursery sounds beautiful. Fuq her and her stank opinion.
I agree, I think your nursery sounds fabulous and your co-worker is a complete b*tch. Who cares whether SHE thinks it's cute or not? She's already given her (very) unwarranted opinion. Obviously she knows nothing about children or interior decorating.
Post pictures when you're done with it!
Your nursery sounds really cute!
And she sounds like a "child with issues" if you ask me....