2nd Trimester

Mom and MIL to 20 wk ultrasound?

My DH and I were thinking about inviting our mom's to our 20 wk ultrasound.  We are team green so we won't be getting any huge news, but we thought it might be fun to share it with them :)  Just wondering if anyone else did this and how it was...  Thanks!
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Re: Mom and MIL to 20 wk ultrasound?

  • The u/s tech may not allow that many people in the room at once.
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  • At our big one we were only allowed to have one person in the rooom (DH). At NT scan we were allowed two but kept it just us. You might want to call and ask?

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  • I don't plan to do this. My MIL would drive me bonkers. However, the appt card from the u/s tech said only one person can accompany me and no children. (The room is plenty big to accomodate, it must be just one of their rules...) So you might check to see if you can bring three people.
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  • You have to check to see if 3 people can come with you. where I got mine done, we are only allowed to have 1 person although the u/s tech was nice enough to let my mom join us.

    It's a nice thing to do. If you can, why not.


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  • We've not invited anyone (everyone lives out of town).  BUT, our office will provide us with a DVD and we intend to share that with our families...
  • My mom is coming to my big u/s, but she's taking DH's spot since he's deployed. I wouldn't want anyone else other than DH, but I do want someone with me and my mom is the next best person.
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  • we brought my mom and mil to ours - but we found out the gender. i think it would still be awesome for them to see the baby. its a really long ultrasound, so they would probably enjoy it.

    just call first to be sure you are allowed that many guests. many places are cutting back because of h1n1

  • DH had to work the day of my 20 weeks u/s so my Mom and Dad went with me and it was great. But, I'm adopted and my Mom was never pregnant so I wanted her to experience an u/s.
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  • Check with the office first. DH and my mom came and she loved it (MIL passed away a couple yrs ago). This is her first grandchild and she enjoyed it very much. She even called me later in the day to thank me for including her. We are team green as well but it was still exciting to see our LO on the monitor.
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  • my big one is actually today and dh has to work, but my mom and stepdad are coming. my step dad has no children and he really wants to see an ultrasound.
  • My mom is coming to the big ultrasound. I'm team green too. But I did not invite my MIL.

    She's not my fav person in the world and she still hasn't come to terms with the fact that we are expecting (looonnggg story) I don't need that kind of negative energy around at such a happy time.

    I do plan on giving the a copy of the ultrasound in a frame for Christmas though.

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  • Some hospitals/clinics only allow one or two people in the room with you. I would double check before bringing them there...
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  • I had my MIL and FIL come to the 12 week NT Scan, and I had my mom come to the 20 week "big" u/s.  Both sets of parents were so happy that they were included in on this big event.  That being said, I would definitely check with the office regarding their policy on how many people they will allow in the room. 
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  • My MIL, who is a radiologist, is actually giving me an ultrasound herself on Christmas Eve (we're hoping to find out the gender although I'll only be 15w4d).  My parents are insisting they be included, and while I'm sure they'd just like to see the baby, the cynical part of me thinks they can't stand my MIL knowing the gender before they do.  Ah, competitive grandparents, how fun.  So, yeah, we'll have a room full.
  • Your dr's office may not let you bring more than 1 into the u/s room (this is the policy at most of the offices here).

    But that aside - this was such a special moment for DH and I that even though I love my mom and MIL and want to share as much as possible with them, I would not have wanted them there. Especially if this is your first or second ultrasound, you will get to see so many details of your baby and it's just a really cool thing - I was glad to only have DH there.

    Also if you are hoping for team green and you do decide to have mom/MIL there be prepared for them to say "is it a boy?" "is it a girl?" to the u/s tech and possibly spoil the surprise...I don't know your mom or MIL obviously so they may not be like that but I do know that moms can just get caught up in the moment :)

  • We did.  We are also doing the Team Green thing but we wanted our mom's to be able to see the baby and everything.  We are so glad we did.  DH's mom had seen an ultrasound from one of her other grandkids but since this is my mom's first, she really enjoyed it.  They didn't have routine ultrasounds like that when my sister or I was born.  It was also great to share the experience and the day with them.  I say do it!
  • Nope. But 1. I wasn't allowed more then "1 Support Person" & 2. I wouldn't want them there anyway!
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  • Yes we did this - it was the big ultrasound, but MIL started crying even before the annoucement. She was happy she got to see Sophie moving around and kicking. I thought it was worth it.
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  • My mom joined us and it was great!  I am so happy that she was able to share the moment with us!
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  • I did this. I had my Mother, DH, MIL & FIL at my big ultrasound and it was very special for all of them to be part of it. Call ahead to make sure you can bring more than one person. 
  • If my mom was alive, I definitely would have invited her. She would have loved every second of it, as my sister was not as open with her two pregnancies. This is my MILs seventh grandchild and she had four of her own kids, so the excitement factor of an ultrasound wouldn't be all that great for her, though I did ask DH if he wanted to invite his mom (He didn't for the same reasons I listed...)
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