Has anyone switched doctors.
A very close family friend is an OB/gyn who I have gone to forever and so has all of my family. But since this is my first pregnancy and he woudn't give ultrasounds everytime I switched to another doctor that has delivered all of Dh families babies. Anyways, he started giving ultrasounds now everytime and has changed alot and is a lot better. his office is right across the street from my parents business and so is the hospital. I am thinking about changing back to him..I think it would be easier if I go into labor to be right across the street, instead of driving to another town where my current doctor is. But I dont know.. Opinions Please..
Re: switching doctors?
1) You won't go to the doctor's office when you are in labor, you will most likely go directly to the labor & delivery unit of the hospital, no matter where your doctor's office is.
In fact, if you go to an appt later in your pregnancy and the doctor determines you need to go to L&D to be induced or whatever, it's normally quite common for women to go and get one last meal in before checking in, so the whole being across the street thing, is handy, but it's really not that big of a deal.
2) Most doctors don't do an U/S @ every visit. Lots of women only get 1-3 U/S during their whole pregnancy because that's all that insurance will cover (confirmation U/S, NT scan if you do that and then the 20 wk anatomy scan are the 3 standard u/s I can think of.)
I don't know what reassurance all of those continued U/Ss give you above and beyond hearing the baby's heartbeat @ appts. Have you rented a doppler? Are you feeling any movement yet?
3) lastly- have you asked both doctors what their policies are about labor and delivery? regarding inductions, petocin usage, when they permit the epidural to be administered, episiotomy rate, C/S rate, etc?
To me the nitty-gritty of an OB is how he or she is in the delivery room, so for me the answers to the above questions are what it would boil down to.
Good luck- I switched to a midwife after my long a$$ scary delivery w/ DD because I just don't want to be hooked up to petocin ever again in my life, so I know what it's like to make a change.
A kiss he will never forget- Disney World 2014
I agree w/ this for the most part, but think that a doctor's/practices policies are also important, as they can be what puts you into labor in the case of induction. Also they have the access to the drugs and control the escalation of interventions. My nurses were all angels, but they weren't the ones who decided to use a vacuum, etc.
I would do it based on the L&D policies more so than the U/S thing, but that's because I worry about what all of those sound waves can do to an unborn child (hence why I would never go and get an ultrasound @ a random place as a keepsake) - but that's just my cautiousness.
My sentiments exactly.
To be honest, both places sound a little sketchy.
One doesn't let you have a baby at night b/c they need sleep and the other does ultra sounds just becuase you want them and doesn't turn it into insurance.
I guess, do what is right for you...but to be honest, i would be looking for a repuatable doctor that follows normal medical procedures and ways of doing things.
A kiss he will never forget- Disney World 2014
Why shouldn't you have posted this? Because you knew you were being flaky about picking doctors and switched in the first place for really dumb reasons? Or because you really did want opinions but didn't want flames.
People aren't even being harsh with you. Regardless you sound really misinformed about L&D and what your doctor(s) practice.
OP, you're worried about delivering at a hospital 30 minutes away? Seriously? That's not that far. There is a hospital 30 minutes away for me, and that's the closest one. It's not a very good hospital, so I chose to go to a better hospital *gasp* a whole hour away. You should, obviously, pick the better hospital of the two.
No because I don't really know how to explain the situation that is really going on, there is more of a back story to the whole thing, its actually a pretty big mess, between families. Dh practically made me switch because of his dumbass lowlife family has always used this other doctor. And because I know what I am talking about from other people who have used her.
I forgot to bust out my crystal ball. I'm sorry.
So...about that quote button...
Is his family going to be there when you give birth?
Do they get a kickback from the doctor or hospital?
Are they royalty?
(all I can think of in terms of a family wanting you to use the same doctor/physician, etc- I think that the royals do this...)
It's your uterus, vagina, etc. You are the one pushing the baby out. If all goes well you will probably be in the hospital for less than 3 days total- so pick a doctor and the hospital that you feel is the best place for you to push your baby out.
i knew I shouldn't have posted this because I didn't type the whole back story, it is boring and a mess. I basically just wanted people's opinions on switching doctors this late in the game and the opinions on being induced when you really dont have to. I am sorry, I have been a little on edge all day today for some reason. I think it is the hormones.. anyways. I just need to think about which doctor is better, which policies are better, and which hospital would better to deliver at. I just don't know what is more important to consider than others..
So basically you are choosing a dr becasue of what your DH wants and what others have told you.
What about gathering info and making a decision that is best for you?
A kiss he will never forget- Disney World 2014
I thought you said you switched cause you want ultra sounds even though you do NOT need them.
Can I just say to people it's a GOOD thing when you don't need them!!! TRUST ME going in for a late u/s is NOT FUN when you think there might be something wrong with your baby. People should be happy they only need the required ones!
This makes you sound uneducated about pregnancy. Do yourself a favor and go check out some books about pregnancy at your local library.
Most doctors only do 1-3 ultrasounds throughout the entire pregnancy. Some ladies only get their big u/s at 20 weeks. I've NEVER heard of a doctor doing an u/s at every appointment unless it's a high risk pregnancy, and even that's pushing it. Whether the doc uses their own equipment or not is irrelevant, they still charge your insurance for it. Then the insurance will usually only pay if it's deemed "medically necessary". Otherwise YOU get to pay for it out of pocket.
Ditto to what Shorty said, you should definitely get a few books.
Sorry but saying this is your first pregnancy is not an excuse you are as informed as you choose to be!
This is my first pregnancy and I did my research since the very beginning.
I don't have to pay for any of them. And neither did any of my friends who have already had babies from both of these doctors. I have books, but they don't tell me whole lot, and the people around me are to busy to really care. So, I am on my own.
So you let your dh call the shots? Has he been pregnant before? I live no where near family and the last person I know that had a child had them years ago like I said to me it's not really an excuse. You choose how much you want to know if you honestly cared that much.
If you are on your own then you need to do even more research.
Look at other books, call other pracitices and see what they do, look online.
It is your responsibilty to get all the info you can, not your DH's or his familiy or whatever. Like previous posters said, being a first timer is not an excuse.
A kiss he will never forget- Disney World 2014
My doctor has this little wheely in u/s machine that she used at my first appointment, and then one more time around 9 or 10 weeks, because I had a loss earlier this year. I'm pretty sure it doesn't get billed to insurance cause it's just... this... wheely in thing.
That said, she doesn't use it at every appointment, because it isn't neccesary. I think if you're going to switch doctors, you should switch to one who's gonna help you get a little more informed.
yes I agree. Does anyone have any good websites for research?
I also think I will look into new doctors around the area.. After hearing the views of everyone, I think both doctor offices have issues and I am sure there is one around here that doesn't have issues.
I would think about taking a childbirth class @ one of the hospitals sooner rather than later. Usually they are taught by nurses who can be wonderful sources of information. I love the nurse who taught our class and have kept in touch with her.
I was a total nerd during the class, but got so much information, much more than many of my friends who took done-in-a-day type classes- we did 1 night a week for 4 weeks. We were given hand-outs, I took notes, etc.