today was soooo scary! woke up at 1 am with cramps like i was about to start my period. Then the burning when urinating started & more frequency. Was at the hosp. all day for Terbutaline to stop contractions & antibiotics. I pray that the contractions stop when the antibiotics are underway....has anyone else experienced this??
please baby boy stay in & grow strong & healthy for at least 10 more weeks!!
Re: UTI & contractions...
Hi, I'm just lurking. I wanted to tell you that I had that with DS. It sent me into PTL and ruptured my water because I didn't get it taken car of in time. I had no symptoms of a UTI and it escalated. You're very lucky!!!
With you getting the antibiotics and having symptoms that early is a great thing! Good luck! I hope you can keep him baking for a lot longer!