2nd Trimester

How much crampy/back pain is too much?

Past couple of days, on & off I have had back aches/pains..light cramps... upset stomach feeling...a bit heavier discharge. It has come & gone so I have not thought much of it... today is continued & as I drove home from work I began freaking myself out. If i wake up feeling it again tomorrow, I am going to call my Dr.. any one have any advice in the meantime? Think I should call sooner? Think it may be nothing or should I worry? I have also gone #2 pretty much every morning so I dont think I am backed up :-)

Re: How much crampy/back pain is too much?

  • With the combination of all those symptoms, I would call now, just to be on the safe side.

    It's one of those situations where the only way to know if it's nothing or something would be having you go in to get checked out.

    Keep us posted!

  • I had those same exact symptoms last week.  My cramping started Wednesday night and by Friday I also had lower back pain.  I called the Dr. Friday and they had me come in to test for a bladder infection.  They forgot to mark the test stat so they did not get it back before they closed on Friday.  When I spoke to the nurse about them messing up my results she really pushed me to go to L&D.  She said with the cramping and back pain you have to be careful.  I wound up going to L&D because she really scared me and they tested for bladder and vaginal infections and also checked my cervix.  I wound up being fine, but I felt better after I got checked.
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