2nd Trimester

update to: white spot on baby's heart

Today DH and I had to see a specialist due to echogenic focus on babys heart that was picked up at 18 wk U/S. While it can be normal in up to 5% of normal PG, they believe it doubles your risk of downs (10% DS babies have this). I was hoping today would clear it up, but they told me that he's also measuring 10 days behind which is borderline small. If he measured any smaller it could be a sign of genetic issues (downs, dwarfism etc). I opted not to do amnio b/c I am scared of risk of M/C and am planning to keep the baby no matter the outcome. we have to go back in 4 wks which is going to be agony to check his measurements.

Anyone with insight, had this happen etc I'd really love to hear from you

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Re: update to: white spot on baby's heart

  • Just wanted to let you know that you and your baby will be in my T&P for a healthy outcome!!  Hope the next 4 weeks flys by for you!!
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  • imageDC2London:
    I don't have any insight to offer but I wanted to send a hug and my prayers!
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  • i don't have any advice or incite to offer, but just wanted to say good luck with everything and my thoughts & prayers are with you during this difficult time!
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  • This happened to one of my friends when she was expecting her daughter who is now 3.  The white spot was there for the 20 wk u/s & she was all freaked about possible DS, but they did several subsequent ones to check the status & it was gone.  I think they told her it absorbed on it's own. Regardless her daughter is perfectly healthy.  Good luck to you!

    DD1 born 5/24/10.

    Missed M/C at 14 wks Feb 2012.

    DD2 born 5/14/13.

    Missed M/C at 9 wks July 2015.

    Expecting someone new 4/17/17.
  • Thoughts and prayers to you and your family.  Hope the 4 weeks goes quickly.
  • T&P to you and your LO
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    It takes a special amount of bitch to induce menstruation in another person. - LovelyRitaMeterMaid

    Rap Roller
  • I've heard of this before, they freak you out for nothing sometimes. Many times on an ultrasound the cords in the baby's heart appear to stick together, making it look like a "spot"....they do another one to be sure.Even with the best technology this kind of thing happens and they scare the hell out of parents.

    I'm praying for you, that you will receive good news :) I know what you are feeling. (hugs)

  • Thoughts to you as well. I had the same issue some up on my 20 week u/s and we are going to see the specialist on Wednesday. I have a little anxiety about it (and of course your post didn't help!- Not your fault, mine for reading it) but I believe that optimism quells anxiety. Keep a smile on!

  • I'm really sorry that you are going though this.  My thoughts and prayers are with you and your LO.  Be well.
    Image and video hosting by TinyPic Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • This happened to my sister-in-law when she was pregnant with my niece.  They brought her in at around 30 weeks and said they found a white spot on the heart and there was a chance the baby had Downs.  My niece was born happy and healthy, no problems what so ever. 

    My thoughts and prayers are with you and the little one.  Just relax and know that there is a plan for you and going through this will make you a stronger mother.  Your baby is very lucky to have you.  :)

  • I don't have any experience with this either but wanted to let you know you and your LO are in my thoughts and prayers. 

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  • I don't want to downplay your concerns, but my understanding is that the Echogenic Focus is not something to worry about.  My baby has this too, and I've done some research since, and also talked to others I know who's baby had it.  No one I have talked to or found has had a baby with down syndrome.  My midwife also said she sees this all the time, and without other markers, she has never seen it linked to DS.

    I wish I could find my old thread on this, because there was a very good response from a woman who was on her 2nd pregnancy who said that she had had this with her first, and was so worried about it that she basically was in a support group with a bunch of other ladies who had it.  None of them had a baby with DS - all healthy.

    I know it's hard, but dont' worry, if everything else looks good, chances are still very high that your baby is fine.

  • imagesmittysoup:

    I don't want to downplay your concerns, but my understanding is that the Echogenic Focus is not something to worry about.  My baby has this too, and I've done some research since, and also talked to others I know who's baby had it.  No one I have talked to or found has had a baby with down syndrome.  My midwife also said she sees this all the time, and without other markers, she has never seen it linked to DS.

    I wish I could find my old thread on this, because there was a very good response from a woman who was on her 2nd pregnancy who said that she had had this with her first, and was so worried about it that she basically was in a support group with a bunch of other ladies who had it.  None of them had a baby with DS - all healthy.

    I know it's hard, but dont' worry, if everything else looks good, chances are still very high that your baby is fine.

      The echogenic focus + him measuring 10 days behind (which is a possible sign of genetic issue) is whats really freaking me out. The e-focus initially didnt get me nearly as upset as todays appt did.

    Thanks all for your T&P

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  • stay strong for baby :) I know you'll worry but be optimistic!
    Lilypie Pregnancy tickers Lilypie Second Birthday tickers
  • you are in my t&p!


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  • I have a somewhat similar story.  DS had echogenic bowel--which is apparently fairly rare and a marker for the trisomies and CMV.  My quad screen numbers were good, but they said that ultrasound findings negated that.  We did an amnio and DS is totally, 100% fine.  It's my understanding that they don't really begin to worry until there are 2 or more soft markers....but they have to inform you of the results legally.  I know it's really easy for me to tell you not to worry--but I wish I had enjoyed my pregnancy with DS a bit more.  I was a wreck waiting for the amnio results!
    L 7/06 E 8/07 L 6/10 imageimageimage
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