I've been in maternity clothing since 14 weeks, second pregnancy and I starting showing pretty early this time around?but I thought that I could squeeze into my favorite jeans on Saturday. I am and always have been a denim girl...my husband says I'm a denim snob because I only wear certain kinds and tend to overspend in the denim department. However I can't justify spending $300.00 on a a pair of maternity jeans so I haven't. Well I decided to try on my favorite pair of jeans?.I put them on and they buttoned! WAHOO!!! Success! I was so excited. I ran out and showed DH and he is like ?You don?t look comfortable? and I told him he was nuts?that I felt fine. He kept telling me not to wear them because I looked like I was in pain and had a stick up my butt when I walked?I didn?t care I was wearing them! I missed them and I looked hot (or at least I thought!)
So, we left to go shopping and went to a few stores and then headed to my favorite mall. By the time we got there I was in so much pain because they were cutting off all my circulation! Literally I couldn't even enjoy the mall, I actually had to go buy a pair of maternity jeans because I was on the verge of tears!
Needless to say my DH was right and my favorite jeans are back up on the shelf!
Re: Funny story about maternity clothing..DH was right
I know, it's ridiculous. I know that my favorite brand makes maternity but I typically spend about $300.00 sometimes a little lower but not much and I just can't justify it. Maybe I should swing by there and see what they have though, I can tell you it would make me feel good to have some nice demin for the next 3 months! It's worth a shot!
If it's just buttoning that's a problem, get a Bella Band. Problem solved! My jeans aren't that expensive (Gap), but maternity jeans just suck in general. That's what I wear, and it works.