I am having period like cramps all day. This morning they were pretty bad for about 10 minutes but they have been dull off and on all day now. Low abdomen, like hip to hip.
I am already on pelvic rest for partial previa so it just makes me worry.
You girls having this too?
Re: cramps @ 25/26 weeks normal?
I agree with the other PP. Call your OB and ask them. I have BH and they aren't anything like period cramps. Just a very mild tightening in my abdomen and no pain in my back.
I was planning on you guys all telling me that it's normal....FAIL.
I called, they said to go home & take it easy, drink lots of water, you know the drill. If it gets any worse then I have to go to L&D. I have partial placenta previa so if it was early labor it would be really bad.
Thanks for all the advice!